RMTS- RANDOM MOMENT TIME STUDY This sampling of a few people and their activities at one moment in time is used to determine the percentage of time all staff in special education spend on IEP related work. It is generated by Fairbanks LLC. Participation is a mandatory because the results are required for us to be able to seek reimbursement from SHARS. Participants are randomly selected every three months. Participants can be selected more than once in any time period.
WHAT MEDICAL SERVICES RELATE TO AN IEP? Medical Services Includes: Personal Care Speech Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Psychological Services Nursing Care
QUESTION 1 QUESTION 2 Where do you find the answer? Schedule of Services Accommodations Goals and Objectives Personal Care Supplement Deliberations
QUESTION 3 Explain what you were doing How does this relate to the student’s IEP Be as specific as you can
COMPLETE THE SURVEY The survey will ask what you were doing during a specific MOMENT (60 seconds) during your day. You will be ed the time of your MOMENT with the link to access the survey, a username, a password, and instructions approximately a week in advance. Example of Random Moment: Tuesday, May 16 th at 12:01 pm You may take the survey any time after the selected MOMENT during that day. You may be requested to complete a follow up by Fairbanks LLC. If you are out of the district on paid or unpaid leave, go into Fairbanks and enter this information.
QUESTIONS? Please Contact District SHARS Clerk Erin VanCamp Ex