ICZM process and maritime issues in the Black Sea region BSC PS and BSC ICZM Advisory Group: Ahmet KIDEYŞ, Executive Director, BSC PS Mamuka GVILAVA, BSC ICZM AG Member ICZM Focal Point for Georgia EMD-2010, FP7 PEGASO, Gijón (Asturias), Spain, May 20, 2010
(i) ICZM developments in the Black Sea region (ii) Plans and intentions of the BSC under PEGASO (iii) Maritime and coastal issues in the Black Sea (iv) PEGASO and its contribution into coastal and maritime sustainable management in the Black Sea Summary
(i) ICZM developments in the Black Sea region ICZM in the Black Sea Region
1993 – 1997 UNDP-GEF BSEP 1-st phase ICZM RAC and network establishment / national & regional reports / ICZM policies & strategies / Black Sea MedCoast conferences ; EU TACIS Support Training ICZM / Coastal Code of Conduct / ICZM pilot projects (RU, UA)
ICZM in the Black Sea Region ; EC EuropeAid support Regional ICZM strategy / spatial planning methodology / ICZM progress indicators / ICZM pilot projects (UA, GE) UNDP-GEF Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project Feasibility of ICZM instrument to Bucharest Convention / validating regional ICZM strategy / ICZM pilot project (TR)
ICZM in the Black Sea Region Feasibility study conclusions for the ICZM instrument to the Bucharest Convention: Short-medium term (next 2-5 years) – the adoption and implementation of the suggested combination of ICZM instruments: Code of Practice (ICZM Guidelines) and/or ICZM Action Plan Long-term (5-10 years) – depending on the immediate achievements, a legally binding document – additional ICZM Protocol to the Bucharest Convention
ICZM in the Black Sea Region Next steps recommended by ICZM AG Development of ICZM legal instrument at the regional level Continuation of ICZM methodology & best practice work Implementation of ICZM pilot projects Development of indicators for the 'state of the coast' assessments, progress indicators for ICZM implementation
ICZM in the Black Sea Region
(iii) Plans and intentions of the BSC under PEGASO BSC Activities
WP2 – ICZM Governance Platform –Roadmap for setting up institutional and legal framework for ICZM in the Black Sea region (similar to Med ICZM Protocol) BSC Activities WP3 – ICZM Spatial Data Infrastructure –Setting up dedicated SDI geonode at BSC PS covering the Black Sea region
WP4 – ICZM Toolbox –Integrated Black Sea ICZM Toolbox (comprising the progress and 'state of the coast' indicators, land & ecosystem accounts, scenarios, economic valuations) serving needs of national reporting & regional assessments BSC Activities
WP5 – ICZM CASES / Med & Black Sea Assessments –Danube (RO), Sevastopol (UA), Guria (GE) CASES –Black Sea ICZM Guidelines as the governance tool for the application of the legal framework (such as protocol) for ICZM in the Black Sea region BSC Activities
WP6 – ICZM Capacity Building –Training modules, education sets, curricula BSC Activities WP7 – ICZM Dissemination –Dissemination and promotion of proposed policy/legal framework for ICZM in the Black Sea –End-of-project meeting in synergy with the Biannual Black Sea Scientific Conference, MEDCOAST 13, and Black Sea Day of October 31
(iii) Maritime and coastal issues in the Black Sea Maritime and coastal issues
–Eutrophication –Loss of coastal and seabed habitats –Pollution and marine / beach litter –Coastal sensitivities to oil spills –Operational/illegal spills along maritime routes –Overfishing and decline in living marine resources –Need for coastal and marine spatial planning –Need for coastal and marine conservation Maritime and coastal issues
(iv) PEGASO and its contribution to coastal and maritime sustainable management of the Black Sea Why PEGASO
Why PEGASO is important –Opportunity to progress ICZM implementation within the Black Sea region and to enhance collaboration with the Mediterranean region through shared ICZM Governance Platform
Why PEGASO Role in sustainable management in the Black Sea area –Adopt simple but elaborate tools and indicators to measure the state of developments in the coastal zone (both marine and land domains) and monitor the progress with management measures applied
Why PEGASO Benefits and expectations of the BSC –Propose, promote and apply sound institutional and legal framework for ICZM in the Black Sea area –Improve data and information sharing capability addressing land based sources of pollution in the catchment (through enviroGRIDS) complete with coastal and marine areas coverage (PEGASO)
Thank You