DCB New Grantee Workshop: Post-Award Administration of Grants Brett Hodgkins Team Leader National Cancer Institute Office of Grants Administration
Post-Award Administration of Grants Roles and Responsibilities Expanded Authorities Prior Approvals Progress Reports Grant Closeout
Roles and Responsibilities Grants Management Specialist -Monitors the fiscal and administrative aspects of the project -Assures compliance with federal regulations, policies and procedures -Is the only NIH official authorized to change funding, duration and terms of award
Roles and Responsibilities Grantee -Assures compliance with federal regulations, policies and procedures -Monitors proper conduct of the project -Fiscal management of the project -Award is made to organization/institution, not the Principal Investigator
Authorized Organizational Representative Lines of Communication Grants Management Specialist Project Director / Principal Investigator Program Official
Notice of Award (NoA) -Legally binding document -Sent to the Business Office -Must be read carefully before starting the project Establishes funding level, period of support Sets forth terms and conditions of award Provides contact information for NCI Program Director and Grants Management Specialist
Notice of Award Name and address of grantee institution Project Title Name of Principal Investigator Period of support Future year funding Terms and Conditions
Notice of Award
Expanded Authorities What is it? NIH has waived cost-related and other prior approval requirements for many activities and expenditures, and provided authority for these activities and expenditures to the grantee.
Expanded Authorities Grantee Organizations already have prior approval for many activities and expenditures - 1 st No Cost Extensions - Carryover of unobligated balances - Transferring performance of work to a 3 rd Party
Summary of Expanded Authorities May exercise as expanded authority Except Carryover of unobligated balances from one budget period to the next Centers (P50, P60, P30, other), cooperative agreements (U), Kirschstein-NRSA institutional research training grants (T), non-Fast Track Phase I SBIR and STTR awards (R43 and R41), clinical trials, and awards to individuals, or if the NGA indicates otherwise. Cost-related prior approvals, including research patient care costs and equipment If the scope would change. Extension of final budget period of a project period without additional NIH funds If the grantee already has given itself one extension of up to 12 months. Transfer of performance of substantive programmatic work to a third party (by consortium agreement) If the transfer would be to a foreign component or it would result in a change in scope.
Prior Approvals Second No Cost Extension Change of Principal Investigator Change of Grantee Institution Addition of a foreign component Undertaking activities disapproved or restricted by term of award Request for additional NIH funds Change in scope
Requests for Prior Approval Requests for NCI prior approval must be: 1. Submitting in writing 2. Submitted at least 30 days prior to the proposed change 3. Signed by the PI and Business Official
Requests for Prior Approval The only official response to prior approval requests are written responses signed by the GMO - Revised Notice of Award -Letter signed by the GMO addressing the specific request
Progress Reports Information to be included is specified in the PHS 2590 instructions Annual Progress Report must be submitted for NIH to authorize continued funding of your award
Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) October 2012 NIH provided all institutions option to submit SNAP and Fellowships through RPPR Required for SNAPs with 07/01 start dates Same due dates Office of Management and Budget (OMB) mandated to standardized recipient reporting on federally-funded research projects
Progress Reports Due Dates: -45 days prior to renewal date (eSNAP) -60 days prior to renewal date (hard copy) Elements: 1. Face Page 2. SNAP Questions (if applicable) 3. All Personnel Report 4. Scientific Progress/Aims
Key Elements of Face Page Addresses Human Subjects / Assurance Vertebrate Animals / Assurance Inventions and Patents
SNAP Question # 1 Has There Been A Change in the Other Support of Senior/Key Personnel Since the Last Reporting Period?
SNAP Question # 2 Will There Be, In the Next Budget Period, A Significant Change in the Level Of Effort for the PD/PI or Other Senior/Key Personnel Designated on the Notice of Award From What Was Approved For This Project?
SNAP Question # 3 Is It Anticipated That An Estimated Unobligated Balance (Including Prior Year Carryover) Will Be Greater Than 25% of The Current Year’s Total Approved Budget?
Scientific Progress/Aims A programmatic responsibility If aims/objectives are not being met, further action can be taken Oftentimes failure to meet aims/objectives can go hand-and-hand with existence of unobligated balance
Closeout Items That Must Be Submitted within 90 days of the expiration date of the grant: Federal Financial Report Final Invention Statement Final Progress Report ps_ch8.htm#_Closeout
Helpful Information www3.cancer.gov/admin/ gab/index.htm
Helpful Information NIH Grants Policy Statement x.htm
Thank you!!!! Brett Hodgkins