AR Time until 10:29 1
Student Planner Place this in the proper place Jan Vocabulary test Monday, study. Needed today in class: Planner, pencil, notes, period 2 AR book
2 End Planner Entries
Summary: We had a standard opening. We took instructional notes on the cover page project, then looked for designs and started the rough draft.
Answer the last class’s EQ which was: Essential Question: Produce a high quality color drawing of an atom, with labeling. I am in the process of completing, and have started the rough draft
Topic/Objective: Name: Introduction to Atoms Class/Period: Date: Jan 9, 2015 Essential Question: Produce a high quality color drawing of an atom, with labeling.
Warm Up
1. See if you can identify the following elements’ atomic symbol: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Carbon, Phosphorus, Iodine 2. See if you can identify the following elements’ symbol: Helium, Neon, Xeon, Calcium, Cobalt 3. 2H 2 + O 2 -> 2H 2 O What type of change is this? Chemical or physical 4. How many O atoms in 3 C 6 H 12 O 6 ?
Answers 10
1. See if you can identify the following elements’ atomic symbol: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Carbon, Phosphorus, Iodine 2. See if you can identify the following elements’ symbol: Helium, Neon, Xeon, Calcium, Cobalt 3. 2H 2 + O 2 -> 2H 2 O What type of change is this? Chemical or physical 4. How many O atoms in 3 C 6 H 12 O 6 ?
1. See if you can identify the following elements’ atomic symbol: Oxygen, Hydrogen, O H Nitrogen, Sulfur, Carbon, Phosphorus, Iodine N S C P I
2. See if you can identify the following elements’ symbol: Helium, Neon, Xeon, He Ne Xe Calcium, Cobalt Ca Co
3. 2H 2 + O 2 -> 2H 2 O What type of change is this? Chemical or physical
4. How many O atoms in 3 C 6 H 12 O 6 ? O = 6 x 3 = 18
Homework Study your vocabulary words for Monday’s quiz
Today’s Work Research designs Construct rough Draft of cover page On the back of the cover paper, write the information that is needed on the final draft Pass out cover page paper and start final draft 9
Notes 18 Purposes: Demonstrate knowledge of one concept of the State science standards. 2. Construct creative cover for your notebook section. Selections: There are 4 standards that this project can be chosen from: 1-Know the structure of the atom and how it is composed; 2-Know the source of atomic numbers, and demonstrate knowledge in the definition of isotopes; 3- Know how compounds are formed and that their properties differ from the original elements; 4- Identify regions in the Periodic Table corresponding to metals, nonmetal and inert gasses. 1. Choose one standard to display
Instructions continued: 2. Choose a drawing from the textbook which exemplifies your topic. 3. On your rough draft, draw out the picture, title the drawing, label parts, and have a brief description at the bottom explaining what the picture depicts. 4. On the final card stock, reproduce your rough draft in final form. Make it as perfect as possible, and color to highlight characteristics. 5. Due January 20, for wall decoration. 9
What to include: Atomic number & mass; Numbers of protons, electrons and neurons. Atomic Symbol 20