L/O/G/O ประเสริฐสุข จามรมาน รองผู้อำนวยการองค์การบริหาร จัดการก๊าซเรือนกระจก ยุทธศาสตร์การเติบโต แบบสีเขียว (Green Growth) 1
Contents Background Benefit from the Republic of Korea Potential Cooperation
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 1994 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 1994 Kyoto Protocol 2005 Kyoto Protocol 2005 Annex I Party (developed country) Annex I Party (developed country) Non-Annex I Party (developing country) Non-Annex I Party (developing country) Non-Annex I Parties Without binding targets Non-Annex I Parties Without binding targets Annex I Parties Targets : reduce GHG 5% of 1990 by 2012 (first commitment period) Annex I Parties Targets : reduce GHG 5% of 1990 by 2012 (first commitment period) Background of UNFCCC & Kyoto Protocol
Background: Kyoto Protocol Kyoto Protocol adopted in 1997 & entered into force in 2005 Legally binding with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets for Annex I Parties Kyoto Mechanisms Joint Implementation (Art. 6) Clean Development Mechanism (Art. 12) International Emissions Trading (Art. 17)
Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) Purpose of CDM (KP Art.12.2) To assist Annex I Parties in achieving compliance with their emissions reduction targets of the Kyoto Protocol To assist non-Annex I Parties in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC Annex I Parties : carry out project activities to reduce GHG emissions Credits will be issues based on emission Credits from CDM = Certified emission reductions (CERs) unit : ton CO2equivalent/year Annex I Parties can use CERs to achieve their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol 5
Project design Country approval Validation Registration Monitoring Verification/ Certification Issuance of CERs Preparation of Project Idea Note (PIN) Preparation of Project Design Document (PDD) Stakeholders consultation by project developer Check by Designated National Authority for CDM on sustainability contribution => approve/ disapprove Very detailed check by Designated Operational Entity of PDD (Calculations, additionality, procedures, consultation of stakeholders etc. Public consultation CDM Executive Board decides on registration Monitoring of emission reductions Verification of monitoring report by Designated Operational Entity (DOE) Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) CERs are issued by CDM Executive Board CDM project cycle
What is additionality in the CDM? Without CDM without credits without additional income without good image Private business may not implement the project because of barriers With CDM with credits with additional income with good image Private business will implement the project This is additionality Biomass power generation Source: IGES (2008)
1 st East Asia Climate Forum Outcome The 1 st East Asia Climate Forum was held on 29 May Mr. Lee Myung Bak proposed “East Asia Climate Partnership” scheme: Offer $200 million for developing countries in East Asia within 5 year- term Support Low Carbon-Green Growth Policy 8
Why Republic of Korea? Voluntary Carbon Credit (Korea Certified Emission Reductions: KCERs) National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) Technology Designated Operational Entities (DOE) Republic of Korea is well-developed in: 9
Average Annual Carbon Reduction Source: (June 14, 2010)
Korea Certified Emission Reductions: KCERs Korea’s Emission Reduction Registration Program (KERRP) 1 st program from non-Annex I country that promotes voluntary carbon credit Stimulate greenhouse gas emission reduction from private sector Korean Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO) is cooperating with TGO on this issue.
National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) NAMA is a national policy in mitigating climate change problem. It is required to all parties under the UNFCCC. Republic of Korea is professional in creating NAMA
Designated Operational Entities (DOE) under the CDM DOE is either a domestic entity or international designated or accredited by the CDM EB. Two main functions: Validation CDM project Verification GHG emission reduction Thailand does not have Thai DOE. Republic of Korea has developed several DOEs.
Technology Transfer Republic of Korea is one of the world leaders in technology. To support “Green Growth” policy of Mr. Lee Myung Bak. Develop Green Technology
What will Thailand get? Develop Voluntary Carbon Credit Promote carbon reduction from private sector to achieve sustainable development Produce effective NAMA develop efficient policy for climate change mitigation Develop Thai DOEs Stimulate project developers to perform CDM project Advance Green Technology
L/O/G/O ประเสริฐสุข จามรมาน รองผู้อำนวยการองค์การบริหารจัดการก๊าซ เรือนกระจก Thank You! 16