Macromolecules Practice Test


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Presentation transcript:

Macromolecules Practice Test Click F5 Use the arrow keys to navigate the test

1 Name the 4 macromolecules Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

2 What kind of macromolecule is this? Carbohydrate It’s formula is C6H12O6 so it has the 1:2:1 ratio that carbohydrates always have Plus, it is in a ring-shape

3 What type of macromolecule is this? Lipid It has 3 fatty acids and it is made of carbon, hydrogen, and a little bit of oxygen

4 What type of macromolecule is this? Protein It is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen

5 What type of macromolecule is this? Nucleic acid It has a sugar, base, and phosphate group

6 How many bonds does carbon make with other atoms? 4 It can make single bonds like C-H Or it can make double bonds like C=O

7 How can you tell if a molecule is organic or not? Organic molecules have bonds between carbon atoms The picture on the left is organic but the picture on the right isn’t

8 What is the chemical formula for this structure? C5H10O5 To get that, count the number of each type of atom in the picture

9 What process is being used to join these two monomers? Dehydration synthesis This process joins monomers by removing water molecules

10 What process is being used to split this polymer? Hydrolysis Hydrolysis uses a water molecule to break bonds

11 What macromolecule is made when many amino acids are joined together? Proteins Proteins are sometimes called polypeptides because the bonds between amino acids are called peptide bonds

12 What types of macromolecules are represented by these formulas? A. C15H25O3 B. C5H10O5 C. C6H12O3N2 D. C5H18O6N4P2 A: Lipid Lipids have C, H, and only a little bit of O B: Carbohydrate (or sugar/saccharide) Carbohydrates have C, H, and O in a 1:2:1 ratio C: Protein (or polypeptide) Proteins include nitrogen D: Nucleic acid Nucleic acids include both nitrogen and phosphorus

13 What macromolecule is the primary energy source for all living things? Carbohydrates Lipids can also store energy, but carbohydrates are used most frequently

14 What is the chemical formula for glucose? C6H12O6

15 The iodine test is a test for _____. When it is negative it is ____ (color) and when it is positive it is ____ (color) Starch Brown (negative color) Purple (positive color)

16 The Benedict test is a test for _____. When it is negative it is ____ (color) and when it is positive it is ____ (color) Sugar (or monosaccharides) Blue (negative color) Yellow/Orange/Green (positive color)

17 The Biuret test is a test for _____. When it is negative it is ____ (color) and when it is positive it is ____ (color) Protein (or polypeptide) Blue (negative color) Purple (positive color)

18 The Brown paper bag test is a test for _____. When it is negative it is ____ (color) and when it is positive it is ____ (color) Lipids Normal looking paper (negative) See through spot (positive)

19 What is the monomer, function, and test for carbohydrates? Monomer: Sugar (if making starch or another polysaccharide) Function: Energy source, plant structures Test: Sugar = Benedict’s test Starch = Iodine

20 What is the monomer, function, and test for lipids? Monomer: Fatty acids Function: Makes up membranes Test: Brown Paper Bag

21 What is the monomer, function, and test for proteins? Monomer: Amino acids Function: Controls cell processes Test: Biuret

22 What is the monomer, function, and test for nucleic acids? Monomer: nucleotides Function: stores genetic information Test: no test

23 Name an example of a simple sugar (also known as a monosaccharide, which is a type of carbohydrate) Glucose, fructose, galactose

24 Name an example of a lipid Fats, oils, waxes

25 Name an example of a nucleic acid DNA

26 Name a food high in monosaccharides (simple sugars) Candy, sugar, soda

27 Name a food high in starch. Bread, pasta, cornstarch, potatoes

28 Name a food high in lipids Butter, egg yolks, oil

29 Name a food high in proteins Egg whites, meat

30 What two tests would a greasy hamburger test positive for? Biuret (because it has meat and therefore is high in protein) and Brown Bag (because it is greasy and therefore has lipids) It would not test positive for iodine because it doesn’t have starch It would not test positive for Benedict’s because it doesn’t have sugars