MARKETING PLAN 1)Executive summary 2)Current Marketing situation 3) S.W.O.T Analysis 4)BUSINESS & MaRKETING OBJECTIVES 5)MARKETING STRATEgy 6)ACTION PROGRAMs 7)Budgets 8)MEAsurement &Controls
MARKETING PLAN 1)EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2)CURRENT MARKETING SITUATION 2.1)Market Description 2.2)Product Review 2.3)Competitive Review 2.4)Channel and Logistic Review
MARKETING PLAN 3) SWOT ANALYSIS 4) OBJECTIVES AND ISSUES 5) MARKETING STRATEGY 5.1)Market Segmentation-Target Customer 5.2)Differentiation 5.3)Positioning 5.4)Product Strategy 5.5)Pricing Strategy
MARKETING PLAN 5.6)Distribution Strategy 5.7)Marketing Communications Strategy 5.8)Marketing Research 5.9)Marketing Organization 6)ACTION PROGRAMS 7)BUDGETS 8)MEASUREMENT & CONTROL