National Association of the Bulgarian European Clubs NABEC
What is NABEC ? This is a network of the European clubs in the schools in Bulgaria.
Why was NABEC formed? In order to provide children and young people opportunities for: In order to provide children and young people opportunities for: More information about Europe and the integration processes; Networking and exchange; Mobility; Expressing yourself; Participation in joint projects of the European clubs; Extending the activities of the European club at school.
When was NABEC founded? On the First national meeting of the school European clubs in Bulgaria. On the First national meeting of the school European clubs in Bulgaria. It was held on 7-8 April 2000 in Sofia by Krasimira Vasileva – the leader of the first secondary-school European club, and Zdravka Naidenova – national coordinator of the International Network of the European clubs. It was held on 7-8 April 2000 in Sofia by Krasimira Vasileva – the leader of the first secondary-school European club, and Zdravka Naidenova – national coordinator of the International Network of the European clubs. The meeting was realized The meeting was realized with the support of the Delegation with the support of the Delegation of the European Commission of the European Commission in Bulgaria. in Bulgaria.
When was NABEC registered? NABEC has been a legal entity since October 2000 by decision of the Sofia City Court NABEC has been a legal entity since October 2000 by decision of the Sofia City Court – non-governmental organization non-governmental organization with non-profit purpose. with non-profit purpose.
Basic principles of NABEC’s activities: Equality of the European clubs; Voluntary participation in the activities of the association; Mutual assistance; Respect of every participant’s work; Work coordination; Control over the implementation of the common decisions by the participants themselves.
Main objectives of NABEC Presenting the character of the European integration, providing opportunities for Bulgarian impact and Bulgarian participation in it; Creating “European spirit” and “European awareness” in young people, waking up to the need for collaboration, understanding and solidarity, as well as for the European and world mutuality; Joining to the European values, tolerance and mutual respect; tolerance and mutual respect; Opening up to the world by stimulating studying and practicing foreign languages. stimulating studying and practicing foreign languages.
Building independence of the students, Building independence of the students, providing opportunities for gathering experience providing opportunities for gathering experience in exercising leading and organizational in exercising leading and organizational activities; activities; Developing the communication skills of young people by opportunities for contacts with Bulgarian students and students from other European countries and their mutual acquaintance; Developing the communication skills of young people by opportunities for contacts with Bulgarian students and students from other European countries and their mutual acquaintance; Building self-awareness and a sense of responsibility in young people. Building self-awareness and a sense of responsibility in young people.
NABEC’s general tasks To spread the idea of extracurricular educational form of working with children and young people – European club; To develop, improve and introduce new forms of cooperation between the school European clubs; To stimulate the interclub activities with partners in Bulgaria and abroad; To coordinate the activities of the European clubs in the country;
To assist other organizations in the education field; To collaborate with analogical structures of the European union.
How does NABEC accomplish its tasks and reach its goals? Initiates forums for acquiring and spreading knowledge about the European Union; Participates in the developing and implementation of projects; Coordinates the activities of the Bulgarian European clubs by establishing a connection between them, access to information and information materials, etc.;
Assists the interclub activities by: Organizating common meetings of the clubs, seminars, excursions, exhibitions, etc; Helping with the development of subjects, the inclusion of projects implementation, the participation in international meetings, courses and competitions; Publishing materials on the issues of the European integration and collaboration, and on the work and organization of the European clubs; Assisting its members in finding partners for international projects, providing contacts.
How can you become a member of NABEC? Here is what everyone who would like to join the National Association of the Bulgarian European Clubs, needs to submit to the President of the Association: an application form a copy of the necessary documents for establishing a club – a club plan a members list a protocol by the educational council European club which does not participate in the association activities, is automatically suspended.
General activities of NABEC During the period between NABEC realized: 19 successful projects with the financial assistance of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bulgaria and Youth in Action Program;19 successful projects with the financial assistance of the Delegation of the European Commission in Bulgaria and Youth in Action Program; 1 project on the Communicational Strategy of Bulgaria for its joining in the EU;1 project on the Communicational Strategy of Bulgaria for its joining in the EU; 2 project on the “Europe” program;2 project on the “Europe” program; 1 project on the “All different – all equal” program of the Council of Europe;1 project on the “All different – all equal” program of the Council of Europe; Over 800 students from the NABEC clubs participated in simulated games in the Parliament in Strasbourg within the “Euroscola Day” program of the European Parliament;Over 800 students from the NABEC clubs participated in simulated games in the Parliament in Strasbourg within the “Euroscola Day” program of the European Parliament; NABEC is a partner in various projects.NABEC is a partner in various projects.
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