Scholarship Program Quarterly Enrollment Count Webinar
Agenda 2 Louisiana Believes Information and dates for Scholarship Quarterly enrollment counts Information about Quarterly Payments Student data and the importance of data integrity SEE system guidance and technical assistance
Quarterly Counts Louisiana Believes 3 Schools report Scholarship enrollment in four quarterly enrollment count dates throughout the year: During each quarterly count, schools are required to mark whether or not a student is enrolled at the school as of the count date. Students with excessive absences (>10) should not be included as enrolled for that quarter. Schools must maintain up-to-date enrollment records in order to substantiate which students were actually enrolled on each of the four count dates. If schools do not properly mark enrollment for a student, they may not receive payment for that student. Scholarship Enrollment Count Dates Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 9/9 - 9/1112/2 - 12/42/3 - 2/55/4 - 5/6
Quarterly Payments 4 Louisiana Believes Payments are made based on the student enrollment counts that schools submit each quarter. Payments are typically processed within ten days of the count date and should be direct deposited or mailed to schools within two weeks of the count date. Please note that the Quarter 4 payment may be delayed due to the annual audit. Schools that incorrectly report student enrollment will have 30 days after the count date in each quarter to notify the Department using the Payment Update Form.
Student Data Updates Louisiana Believes Schools are responsible for notifying the Department if a currently enrolled student’s grade, address or other enrollment information has changed. This data is extremely important and is used when ordering assessment materials, applying the accountability process, and to ensure students do not have difficulty during the application process. Schools should use the Registration Workbook (due Friday, September 4 th ) to notify us of any needed student level updates. The team will work to correct the data prior to the count, however schools should continue to ensure that all data reported in SEE is accurate during every enrollment verification window. 5