Planning an Online Interaction "He who fails to plan, plans to fail" Anonymous Proverb
Why Plan? To achieve your goals To make it easier for you To make it easier to have others help you by having a clear plan To make good choices along the way "Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part" Anonymous Proverb
When to Plan? For partnerships, 4-8 weeks prior to start of online activity For events, 4-12 weeks prior to start of event, depending on size and complexity
Who Plans? Project leader(s) Should include key partners/collaborators One person should be ultimately responsible Should be written out with sufficient detail for others to carry out tasks
Planning and Leadership Good leaders have a plan. Plans allow you to share tasks with others and establish clear roles – people appreciate this. Plans show you are organized and people will trust you more!
Sharing the Plan – Gaining Commitment "Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans." Peter F. Drucker Get the commitment of your partners Make adjustments as needed.
Level of Detail Defines key tasks Attaches a date to each task/milestone Attaches a lead person responsible to each task Articulates “why we are doing this task” as much as possible
Purpose Purpose must be established first. (See Purpose Checklist) Each element of the plan should reflect and support the purpose. If it doesn’t serve the purpose, ask if the task should be done at all!
Target Audience What do they know? What tech skills do they have? What motivates them/what do they want? Demographic information Contact information
Time Frame – Timeline Events: 2-4 weeks Projects: cycle of group formation, work, review, evaluation and celebration (1-9 months) Mix of online and offline components Synchronous “punctuation points” Create a calendar and share
Types of Interactions Ongoing discussions or question & answer? Focused or wide-ranging? Topics defined in advance or ongoing by participants? Intellectual? Social? Sensitive? Controversial? Will they generate content/knowledge that needs to be captured? Synchronous (same time) and/or asynchronous (different time) interactions? Is there a potential language barrier?
Pre-Assessment Besides audience assessment, what else do you need to know? Resources needed? Tech support? Translation? Offline logistics for F2F meetings?
Guidelines, Rules & Governance Keep them simple and clear Make sure they align with organizational/partner/school requirements Know who makes final decisions if disagreement occurs Decide how to communicate the rules to participants
Example: Participation Expectations Leaders and facilitators will check online space daily Participants will log on at least 2x per week Everyone will actively participate in discussions by posting at least once per week
Roles You Don’t Have to Do It All Alone Potential Roles –Leader/Project Manager –Technical Support –Facilitator(s) –Translator –Cybrarian –Logistics –Subject Matter Expert(s)
Content and Experts Does your purpose require supporting materials online? (papers, reports, data) Do you require subject matter experts to lead specific events or discussions? Do you require experts to be “on call” to answer questions?
Technology Who will design/structure the online space? Who will handle registration of participants? Who will help those with difficulties?
Orientation How will you introduce the project/event to the participants? How will you show them how to use the online tool? How will you orient them to the project agenda/plan and online space? Offline? Online? Both?
Facilitation Do you have someone who has familiarity with online facilitation? If not, plan to get training from Project Harmony trainers.
Materials What might you need? –Project overview sheet (Purpose) –Participant list –Invitation –Orientation documents –Pre/Post surveys –Other?
Evaluation Make sure pre and post evaluation plans complement each other Know and include any evaluation requirements of partners/funders Have a way to USE the data you gain from evaluation (don’t evaluate just to have done the steps of evaluation)
Reporting Capture participant and leader stories throughout the project Publish useful and relevant reports and stories to constituents, sponsors and the public Combine data, text and picture for an engaging report
Lessons Learned for “Next Time” After Action Review What did you do that you would do again because it went well? What would you not do/change next time? How will you share these lessons with others to build capacity and sustainability over time?