Air Pollution Transport and How It Affects New Hampshire A Report Prepared by the N.H. Department of Environmental Services May 18, 2004
How Does Air Pollution Move Around? … With the wind Just as weather forecasters look to where the wind is coming from to predict tomorrow’s weather, air pollution forecasters look upwind to predict tomorrow’s air quality.
150,000 75,000 Tons Per Year of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Typical Wind Patterns on Bad Air Days in the Northeast, Along with Pollution Source Locations Arrows show winds blowing from the Ohio Valley towards New Hampshire Nitrogen oxides are key pollutants that cause smog
Ozone builds during the day, beginning in upwind areas, and transports into New Hampshire late in the day Recent Ground- level Ozone Event in the Northeast
Air Pollution Build-up and Transport
Satellite Observation of a Widespread Smog Event Smog is evident over land and water, transported hundreds of miles
Satellite Observation of Another Widespread Smog Event Smog is transported over 700 miles offshore
What Do You See In This Photograph?
On a Clear Day, You Would See Mt. Jefferson
What Is This Famous New Hampshire Landmark?
On a Clear Day, You Would Know It’s Mt. Washington