Welcome Mrs Sheena Ryde: – Curriculum Director for years 7-9 Mr Danny Walker: – Assistant Curriculum Director for years 7-9 We will be talking about our Co-curriculum: – within the school day – outside the school gates
Sports Year 8 hockey and netball clubs and matches Open to all: badminton, football, rugby, non-elite gymnastics and trampolining clubs Interhouse gymnastics and dance performances Dance Club (Junior and Senior) Swim club Sports will change every term so the girls need to keep an eye out!
Sports and Drama Drama club for years 7-8 in the drama studio Pilates and Yoga Pom Pom Club!
TGS Equestrian Club (and team) Wednesday Week B Room Equestrian Club
History and Law Year 8 and 9 can enter the Magistrates Court Mock Trial competition Takes place between Nov and March and beyond if we win the heat. Time travellers! KS3 history club All years Thursday lunch in room 43
Christian Union Club Wednesday lunchtimes all welcome Debate Club Students have the chance to fight their corner in some interesting topics for discussion Thursday lunchtime
English Year 8 and 9 Carnegie Shadowing Reading Group – Students meet to discuss the shortlisted books – exploring new and upcoming writers for children. – Have an interschool debate with other local schools Scrabble Club Take place in the logic Free lollies
Languages Spanish Story Club (Y7-8-9) Every Monday from 1.30pm in room 11 French Story Club (Y7-8-9) Every Wednesday from 1.30 in room 3 MFL Film Club (various years depending on the film + various languages – programme to be published) Every Tuesday from 1.15 in room 13 – students can bring their lunch along
Japan Club For those interested in Japan or Japanese – Tuesday lunchtime for all years – in room 43
Music Cantores is run for Year 8-9 after school - auditions Junior choir (years 7-9) is also available for anyone that wishes to come along and sing TGS orchestra for all years Ukulele Orchestra Swing Band and Pop Sing-a-longs Inter-house music competition run in the Spring. Allows every girl the opportunity to perform individually or in a group in order to win points for her house. Heats are run at the end of February House Music Final evening in March
Maths Challenge Taken by all students as it promotes deeper thinking about Maths problems. Acts to further boost their confidence in maths. Team Maths Challenge with a mixed Yr8/9 team entered for the most able.
Computing and Technology Lego Robotics Club – Club open to all and team of 10 students will be selected to compete in the South East Round of the First Lego League in December – Open to a mixed team of year 7-11 students The TGS team at the University of Kent, Canterbury
Science Science Club for years 7-9 held at lunchtime
Science- Falcon Initiative project Students help to build a real life flight simulator Takes place at lunchtimes as well as after school. Volunteers needed from designers to technicians and computer programmers More information to be published soon
Eco Monkeys Hands-on approach this year to reduce their impact on the environment Encouraging wildlife and looking at the ways we use energy and deal with our waste in school Achieved the Eco Schools Bronze Award and are now working towards the Silver Award Opportunity to have a go at crafts using recycled materials, work outdoors and be the driving force behind whole school projects
Closing date for entries will be Wednesday 21st October 2015 with Judging taking place on 22nd October. See Mr Seedhouse for an application
Action! Wednesday afternoon pm Activities run by outside providers as well as sixth from groups Activities include animal encounters, bridge, circus skills, peak fitness, face painting, cookery, street dancing, yoga. More information on
Ski trip February half term Details on the portal
Bewl Water Summer term 3 main activities: team-building/problem solving activities, orienteering and raft-building or canoeing or sailing Very enjoyable and rewarding