Play the Predator movie
Grooming is the process by which a predator gains the trust of potential victims
An online predator will establish a relationship by discussing common interests, likes and dislikes with the intended victim. This leads to a feeling of familiarity and friendship. How might the online predator find out about your interests? Insert a picture above
A predator will listen to anything that the victim wants to talk about. This tactic is used to build trust. If you have a bad day at school or at home, s/he will be sympathetic. S/he will tell you that s/he understands. The longer people “talk” online the more the victim will come to believe that this online person is no longer a stranger, but is actually a Insert a picture above A predator is hoping that you will develop such trust that you will separate yourself from your true friends and
It is the predator’s goal to keep the friendship a secret from others. Having a secret friendship makes you vulnerable. Remember a true friend would not need to keep the relationship a Insert a picture above
Once the predator has established trust s/he will continue to try and break down barriers in order to achieve the ultimate goal of a face to face meeting. Often they do this by sending pictures that become more and more inappropriate. If someone online sends you an inappropriate picture you should tell an Insert a picture above
Sometimes, but not always, a predator will threaten the victim. Sometimes they use reverse threats- for example, they might threaten to tell your parents about the relationship and that you parents will get mad at you. If you are threaten online you should tell a trusted Insert a picture above