Unification Hints The Standard Model: Partial Unification.


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Presentation transcript:

Unification Hints The Standard Model: Partial Unification

Matter Sector “chiral” Family Symmetry? Neutral Up Down Family Symmetry?

Standard Model parameters Cabibbo, Kobayashi, Maskawa

} } ? ? ? e e Grand Unification

-u c ucuc ud ucuc ud u d ecec } } dcdc dcdc dc e e Grand Unification LH states SU(2) doublets {

-u c ucuc ud ucuc ud u d ecec } } dcdc dcdc dc e e Grand Unification -t c tctc tb tctc tb tb cc bcbc bcbc bcbc   -u c ucuc ud ucuc ud u d ecec ucuc ud ucuc ud u d ecec dcdc dcdc dcdc e e -c cc cs c cs cs cc scsc scsc scsc   Generations (?)

-u c ucuc ud ucuc ud u d ecec dcdc dcdc dc e e Grand Unification } : New lepto-quark gauge interactions } u u dcdc e+e+

Neutrino Mass <H><H> <H><H> Grand Unification +5

-u c ucuc ud ucuc ud u d ecec } } dcdc dcdc dc e e Gauge Couplings +

Precision Measuremets Log 10 [Energy Scale (GeV)]  1 -1  2 -1  3 -1 Either: No Grand Unification or: more particles... Either: No Grand Unification or: more particles...

Supersymmetry threshold Log 10 [Energy Scale (GeV)]  1 -1  2 -1  3 -1 TeV scale supersymmetry

String theory World sheet } String tension OpenClosed

String Structure : 1 st string revolution Ghost free condition : D=10 Fermionic (+SUSY) E8 SO(32) Type I Type IIA Type IIB String excitations : J m2 Compactification D=10 D=4 +(D=6) compactified – radius R Kaluza Klein & winding modes Gauge structure : restricted by anomaly cancellation Green Schwarz +chiral structure for q, l ; multiplet structure determined by topology of manifold : Calabi Yau - 3 generation examples known Supersymmetry (c.f. D=26 Bosonic) †

String Structure : 2nd string revolution E8 SO(32) Type I Type IIA Type IIB D=11 supergravity M String dualities D-branes Submanifold on which open strings start or end

String phenomenology How can we distinguish them?

Supersymmetry threshold Log 10 [Energy Scale (GeV)]  1 -1  2 -1  3 -1 TeV scale supersymmetry

I GGR, D.Ghilencea SUSY gauge coupling unification

I Unification Hints ×  3,2,1 E TeV M Pl anck Gravitational coupling 1/r 2+n 1/r p Gauge coupling ? Unification at a TeV?

Warped Unification RS1 TeV Brane All scales up to Planck scale present - logarithmic running of gauge couplings! Randall, Schwarz Sundrum, Delgardo,... Choi, Kim, Kim × D=5

I Updated fit : E MPMP  3,2,1 G N (Q) Q 2 Unification with gravity? SUSY coupling unification

} } Gauge unification - Heterotic String

String Threshold Effects (WCHS) N=2 KK modesWinding modes Dixon, Kaplunovsky, Louis

Threshold sensitivity To preserve insensitivity to heavy thresholds (no power law sensitivity) need Ghilencea,GGR

Weakly coupled heterotic strings with Wilson line breaking Discrete group Physical states : e.g.

Reduction in X,Y boson contribution - equivalent to reduction in unification scale. } (14)

N=3, n=1N=7, n=1N=7, n=2N=7, n= (4.12)3.68 (4.43)3.71 (3.78))4.81 (6.75) (-0.27)-0.25 (-0.28)-0.25 (-0.25)-0.30 (-0.36) 2.81 (3.10)2.84 (3.29)2.86 (2.90)3.50 (4.61) 0.49 (0.54)0.50 (0.57)0.50 (0.51)0.60 (0.73) Quantitative effect of Wilson lines : No Higgs KK modes Higgs KK modes 2D1D or 2D (matter KK modes degenerate) GGR

String profile from gauge unification WCHS + Wilson line