Traded Services School to School Support
White Paper and Education Bill 2011 “ school-led school improvement replacing top down initiatives”
School to school support Lateral capacity building More academies Free schools Commissioning Model
Where does this leave TES?
Outreach issues : Who will do this? GRT Training issues: Who will deliver this? Who will challenge/support schools with GRT pupils? Who will ask the right questions?
Traded Service Prospectus Interim Traded Service Prospectus (Sept 2010-March 2011) Consultants/Services invited to add to the prospectus and put forward what they can offer in terms of training and support to schools
Schools Schools given some money from the LA but it was not ring fenced Schools could chose to spend the money in another way
This was set up to support consultants in the hope that schools would buy back their services It was a way of helping consultants think about what packages they could market to schools It would help the transition from working as a LA employee to setting up on your own
Traded Service Prospectus Submitted 4 offers Inclusive Practice: Raising the Attainment of GRT Pupils Working with EAL New Arrivals Working with EAL Advanced Learners Diversity and Community Cohesion
Twilight sessions Training sessions/INSET (half day/whole day) Meetings Modelling of good practice with pupils in the classroom Workshops with key staff
Teaching and Learning Assessment and Tracking Equality and diversity awareness EAL good practice guidance Written reports Case studies
Approximate Costs in Current Market £100 Twilight session £250 Half day £ full day
What business came in? All primary schools Mainly EAL with some GRT Requests for: INSET Training Specific advice/support to EAL co- ordinators Practical lessons/good modelling
Impact on me? Hard work Stressful A learning curve! Different relationship as the school was the paying customer Interesting Rewarding
Salford School’s Provider Arm The aim of the School Provider Arm is: “ remain at the forefront of new thinking about school improvement and system leadership on a local, regional, national and international scale”
School Provider Arm Made up of 5 High Schools (the best performing and those deemed to have the best practice already in certain areas) A steering group with the Head teachers and a select group of senior school improvement officers
School Provider Arm Request for Training/Support (within or out of LA) Look within the LA for appropriate professional Look within the School Provider Arm to find appropriate professionals Look beyond the LA to other regions to commission support/training Contract drawn up and delivery of request
School Provider Arm Vulnerable/failing schools (SPA commissioned by LA) Promote itself beyond the LA regionally, nationally internationally
How do TES fit into this? You may already have a good working relationship with one of the schools within the Provider Arm You may be well known within the LA and be on the list of “approved” professionals/experts
A school may have a significant number of GRT pupils and need support/advice A vulnerable or failing school with a significant number of GRT/EAL pupils may request your support (commissioned by the LA)
How to improve your situation Network Work in partnership with other professionals to offer high quality training Diversify and expand your level of expertise (EAL as well as GRT/All keystages) Approach schools/providers and market yourself as the expert!! (as you are)
You know more about GRT/EAL issues than anyone else You will have unique and valuable local knowledge that an outside provider will not have You will know the issues that are specific to your area (types of Gypsy/Traveller communities/travel patterns/local tensions) You will be able to show what you have done with other local schools in the past
Whilst you still have a job…….. Lobby senior leaders and managers to stress the importance of the GRT agenda Continue to raise the profile of your work through well publicised events in your area (GRT History Month)
Whilst you still have a job……. Stress the importance of the outreach work Look at your strengths as a team and use all your skills Get up to speed with all current teaching/learning initiatives Don’t be afraid to expand your expertise, none of us came into GRT work fully trained, we are flexible!!!