The Puritans Anglican Church est. by Henry VIII… still contained elements of Catholic ritual & doctrine Puritans wanted to eliminate all remnants of Catholicism Separatists: Believed they could no longer be a part of Anglican Church… moved to Holland… then settled Plymouth (1620) Non-Separatists: Reform Church from within… settled Massachusetts Bay Colony (1630) after persecution from Charles I
Puritan Society Strictly religious… stresses conformity, but also equality Children don’t marry until they own land Higher life expectancy means children stay under parents’ control longer Village Layout: Houses built close together in towns Predestination: These factors will eventually contribute to atmosphere of witch hunts Replica of the Plymouth Settlement
Religion & Politics Mayflower Compact… establishes self-government in absence of Royal charter New England town meetings Voting: Property-owning adult male members of Church No separation of church & state No religious tolerance for non- Puritans –Anne Hutchinson… banished for preaching antinomianism –Roger Williams… banished for disseminating “new and dangerous opinions” –Quakers persecuted Anne Hutchinson on Trial