Standard Grade PE Revision Roles Physical/Personal Qualities Brannock High School
When you take part in an activity, you may adopt different roles or responsibilities. Some of these will be playing roles and some of these will be non playing roles. STRIKERMIDFIELDER GOAL ATTACK DEFENDERSETTERREFEREESCORER LINE JUDGE COACHSUPPORTER
Within these different roles, you will have different responsibilities that you must take on…… ROLERESPONSIBILITY Referee (in Hockey) I had to be in charge of the whole game, making sure the players all followed the rules of the game Line Judge (in Volleyball) I signalled to the first referee whether the ball landed in or out of court Coach (in Football) I told the players where to go on the pitch and made substitutions when needed
Copy the table below and complete the box marked “responsibility” for each role. ROLERESPONSIBILITY Goal Attack (in Netball) Supporter (in Gymnastics) Physiotherapist (in Football)
Physical Qualities These are qualities that you have that are to do with your physical make up. For example – you may be tall or thin, flexible or fast, these are physical qualities. Sometimes, these can be to your advantage in some activities. For example, in Basketball, you will have an advantage if you are tall as you will be able to get closer to the basket when shooting and be able to jump and catch rebounds above your opponents. In Gymnastics, it is an advantage to be flexible as you will be able to perform more complex skills.
Title your page – “Physical Qualities” and write down as many physical qualities that you can think of…………. TALLSMALL STRONGFAST AGILEPOWERFUL GOOD STAMINA GOOD EYESIGHT FLEXIBLEFAST
Personal Qualities These are qualities that you have that are to do with your personality. For example – you may be confident or a good communicator, or you might be motivated or fair Sometimes, these can be to your advantage in some roles. For example, if you are taking on the role of a Referee, you may need to be fair, so that both teams are treated equally according to the rules. In Trampolining, it is an advantage to be confident as this will allow you to try new and more complex skills
Title your page – “Personal Qualities” and write down as many personal qualities that you can think of…………. CONFIDENTMOTIVATED HONESTFAIR AGGRESSIVEDETERMINED GOOD COMMUNICATION GOOD LEADER ORGANISED
In some roles that you take on, it may be an advantage to have specific physical and personal qualities. Here are some examples for physical qualities: Role Physical Quality Reason Winger in FootballSpeed To be able to be fast up the wing, in order to get away from defenders and make a cross Guard in BasketballTall To be able to jump higher above your opponents when rebounding Ice DancingLight So that my partner is able to lift me easily and we can perform more complex skills
Here are some examples for personal qualities: Role Physical Quality Reason Umpire in TennisFairness To make sure that my decisions are all fair and each team is treated equally Captain in HockeyGood Leadership To be able to motivate and organise my team mates CoachOrganised So that I am prepared and know what I am going to tell the team, and know what tactics they are going to use
Choose two playing roles in any activity, and describe which physical qualities you need in this role. Choose two non playing roles in any activity, and describe which personal qualities you need in this role.
Section 2 – Roles and QualitiesCompleted To finish this section, you will be given a work sheet to complete as homework. Use your notes to help you with the answers. If you need help with a question, you can look up the Standard Grade book or ask you teacher. If you have access to the internet, you can also find help on the Bitesize website