Three Feudal Kingdoms CHW3M
Feudal System in England 5 th and 6 th Century Germanic tribes migrate to Britain include Jutes, Angles and Saxons In 886 AD. Alfred the Great unites smaller Kingdom into one nation called Angleland Anglo Saxon King would rule for 200 years 1066 the last Anglo-Saxon king of England dies leaving no heir ignited war for the crown
The Norman Conquest One individual that wanted the English crown was William the conqueror French Duke of Viking ancestry settle in Northern France (Normandy) distant cousin of last English King Williams and the Normans were much more technologically advanced then the Anglo- Saxons (cavalry, archers) and easily defeated them at the Battle of Hasting William is crowned King turns England into Feudal society makes Knights swear oath as liege lord
Great grandson of William, increases royal power in England. massive reorganization of England’s legal system Jury Common Law Henry II Henry II lust for power caused him to be a very unlikable man English Nobles (feudal dues to the limit) The Church (Thomas Beckett) His Family
King John magnificent warrior, poor King spent 6 months in England during 10 year reign (Crusades) Conscientious ruler hateful man Unsuccessful warrior Richard I
Feudal System in France Feudal society took longer to develop into absolute monarchy into France – line of weak Kings France’s monarchy was strengthened when Louis VII “the fat” married Eleanor of Aquitaine » inherited large Kingdom Eleanor would divorce Louis VII and marry Henry II King of England. Forever entwining the two countries histories.
Feudal System in Germany East Frankish Empire becomes German State greatest early King Frederick I “Barbarossa” preoccupied with making perfect feudal pyramid lost power to German princes Germany became a series a scattered quarrelling states