Bike path Use Cambridge Use alleyway from Chesterhill In front of Estonian House In front of area C separated from walking path
Todmorden Mills Wildflower Preserve Access here
Todmorden Mills Wildflower Preserve Right at our doorsteps is one of the most surprising areas of parkland in Toronto. Todmorden Mills is very close but also a challenge to get to because of the hill. Pottery road is much improved and the connections under the DVP to the bike paths are much clearer. But personally the most interesting part of Todmorden Mills is the least accessible area beyond the parking lot that sits just to the north of Chesterhill road. Although it seems like it’s an abandoned forest it’s actually receiving quite a lot of attention by the Todmorden Mills Wildflower Preserve committee. They are a not for profit organization with a board of directors and a small army of volunteers that aim to manage and restore the area with native species. Walk through the area with an eagle eye and you will notice a lot of newly planted shrubs and small trees. You will also feel quite cut off from all the city activity that surrounds you. You are only metres away from the Bloor DVP off ramp but also one of the larger chunks of undeveloped land in the southern Don River watershed. Getting there is unmarked and I don’t know what the legal status of the trail from Broadview is. Best not to ask and just go for it. The map on the previous page shows you where you can start your little journey. The hill is steep but the trail is clear, when you get to the bottom you will head north (right) and end up on the crumbled brick trail of the official TMWP trail, right or left your choice. I always go to the right to see the Oxbow ponds.
Sketchup model The Alleyway – Broadview to Cambridge Personally I think this area offers the greatest opportunity for improvement in the Broadview Avenue area simply because the bar is so low to begin with and because of the number of pedestrians that use the alley. Sadly it is not included in its entirety in the scope of the Broadview Avenue Planning study. On top of that because the city owns a T-shaped Right of Way there is considerable ability for the city to plan, develop and work with a developer to improve the area dramatically. Thing is it’s not to go be anything different unless there is some attention paid to pushing a dialogue around the possibilities. A couple of things hopefully get looked at: Could it be a Woonerf? Could it partly be a pedestrian only area? Could retail be oriented towards the alley? Could the city sell it to a developer with conditions? With that in mind I fired up a program called “Sketchup” to make a 3D model. The following is some screen shots of the model. This is nothing official just my personal view of what **could** be. Also – ideally it could be connected to Broadview subway underground by heading straight south, no need to cross the avenue
Looking east Broadview Houses on Cambridge Currently autobody but should be part of new building – same size
Looking west down alleyway No car access from Broadview Retail entrances facing north and south
Looking North East Broadview Houses on Cambridge Old autobody
Looking East towards Broadview mid alleyway
Looking west to Cambridge mid alley – new TTC entrance