This is the basic outline of my House. One roof is bigger than the other because that is the living area of the house.
This is the inside of the tallest bit of my house. This is the inside of the smaller bit of my house.
This is the chimney and the pointy bit that sticks out of the side.
This is the inside of my main bit of the house with people in it. I made the table and chairs from scratch but I imported the people and fireplace.
This is when I started importing the actual windows and doors from a picture of the actual house.
I have added more windows This is the one of the sides of my house
this is the back of my house with the garden out the back. This is the other side of my house, it has a water pipe going down the side.
these are some pictures of the actual house in france. You can see the inside of part of it and also the garden at the back. The picture at the top is the front view of the house.
this is the paddock out the back of my house. It has farm animals including a rabbit, two sheep, a cow, and a dog. I also put my house on Google earth.