Structural Sketcher A Tool for Supporting Architects in Early Design Slava Pranovich Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Dept. Math. and Computer Science
Architectural design process Definitive design phase Final design phase Sketch design phase Preliminary design phase
Current drawing systems Specificity Versatility Basic primitives Primitives tailored to the architecture Paint AutoCAD Photoshop ArchiCAD Home design Pen&Paper Cocktail Napkin Arch Studio DDDoolz Pro/E SketchUp low high MicroStation
Challenge How to support architects with a computer tool in the early stages of design?
Requirements Design elements suitable for early design Fast and efficient Short learning time Fun to use
Graphic Units A well defined form of graphic representation is a graphic unit (H.Achten, 1998) Grid Contour Axial system Etc. Zone
High level knowledge Mirroring = Axial system Declaration Action
Geometry Engine Design = Graphic Units + Relations Propagation of geometrical transformations Properties for graphic units and relations The KITE manipulator
User interface Depth + layout geometry = relations
Results System\ Criterion Suitability in early design LearnabilityEase of manipulation AppearanceSubjective satisfaction Efficiency & speed Pen and paper worse better worse AutoCAD better PhotoShop better 3D Studio VIZ better ArchiCAD better PowerPoint better Comparison of Structural Sketcher with other systems
Conclusions The use of graphic units is natural for architects Geometry engine provides the flexibility in exploring design variants User interface simplifies the use of the system such it can be used in early design The KITE manipulator provides fast geometry manipulations