Virti-Cue Production Task Project Proposal and Storyboard
Uncertainty regarding labels on frequently used buttons Usability Testing Results Suggested tutorial to assist first time users
Our Project Proposal Focus on one aspect of a key process: Creating a new story and adding pictures Access to tutorials: Help button and website
The Process Research tutorial formats and associated design considerations Develop a mock-up of a tutorial Determine a suitable format for our tutorials Create video tutorial: creating a story and adding pictures Usability testing to improve tutorial Tutorial evaluation iterative evaluation through usability studies after viewing tutorial users replicate steps in mock-up
StarTropics: Text
Fabric Flowers: Still Images & Text /search/label/tutorials
SketchUp!: Visuals & Voice
Storyboard: Create New Story & Add Picture
It’s a Wrap Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Thank-you for your valuable feedback from the Virti-Cue Team