CANPS Report Stefan Ritt – Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland.


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Presentation transcript:

CANPS Report Stefan Ritt – Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

March 3rd, 2012NPSS AdCom, Santa Fe 2 Jin-Yuan Wu, Fermilab Short course on RT09 in Beijing “Conventional and Unconventional Applications for FPGAs” New Distinguished Lecturer Conventionally, FPGA devices are used as either glue logic or data interface. However, the full potential of FPGA is much more beyond these conventional applications. In this presentation, several topics, loosely categorized into “unconventional” applications are discussed. The examples are extracted from real high energy physics applications including time-to-digital converter (TDC) implemented purely with FPGA, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) using FPGA TDC and passive components, waveform digitization, data compression, filtering and reconfigurable computing in FPGA. Some examples are discussed in a book authored by the lecturer: “Applications of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays in Scientific Research” (Taylor & Francis, 2010) while some are newly developed after publication of the book.

March 3rd, 2012NPSS AdCom, Santa Fe 3 RT12 RT2012 Berkeley, CA, June Abstract deadline: March 2 nd (one week extension?) Executive committee meeting next Monday in Berkeley Go through abstract reviews by 40 CANPS members Categorize abstracts, merge talks Finalize program, invited talks Final decision on oral/poster: End of march via Video-Conference CANPS Award nominee selected (4 candidates, 15 committee members voted)

Shattuck Hotel Newly renovated, nice lobby and rooms Downtown Berkeley: Lots of restaurants, 30m to public transportation (BART) March 3rd, 2012NPSS AdCom, Santa Fe 4

March 3rd, 2012NPSS AdCom, Santa Fe 5 Realtime system architectures Includes architectures dealing with realtime data acquisition, extraction, compression, signal processing and storage applied to the physical sciences. Intelligent signal processing Includes front end signal processing, ultrafast analog and timing converters, and digital signal processing mandatory to compress and extract data in real time. Programmable devices Includes techniques for programming FPGAs, GPUs, DSPs, and reconfigurable hardware. Fast data transfer links and networks Includes every data transfer protocol from local data transfer up to global fast networks with their associated hardware (routers, switches, etc.) Trigger systems As applied to the physical sciences. Data acquisition Readout data paths and system architectures as well as conceptual design for future instruments (machines and detectors) Processing farms Processing farms for high level trigger and online selection. Control, monitoring, and test systems For small and large instruments. Upgrades Improvement of existing large and small systems. Emerging realtime technologies Hardware, software, tools, and techniques. New standards ACTA/μTCA, for example. Realtime safety and security Dedicated instruments for scanners and conceptual design of new devices including in environmental and health applications Feedback on experiences Lessons learned from successes and failures. Topics

March 3rd, 2012NPSS AdCom, Santa Fe 6 Real-time applications in … International electronics standards (VME, Fastbus-Camac, …) and their applications in high energy physics Satellite-based astrophysics Ground based gamma-ray astronomy Control and monitoring at the National Ignition Facility (LLNL) Trigger/DAQ at LHC (Medical imaging) Keynote talks

March 3rd, 2012NPSS AdCom, Santa Fe 7 Program (3 rd draft)

Current schedule SEPT 2011: First announcement mail to the NPSS lists (via Dora Merelli). Announce the conference in general websites. SEPT 2011 : POSTER/WEB site ready and sent posters to relevant institutes. OCT 2011: PROMOTION at the NSS-MIC conference DEC 2011 : ABSTRACT collection OPEN with second announcement END JAN 2012 : REMINDER MAIL prior to the abstract deadline. FEB 2012 : abstract collection CLOSED MID-FEB-MID MARCH: ABSTRACT review by the SAC MARCH 1 st : REGISTRATION OPENING END MARCH: PROGRAM making and review – EXCOM on site meeting APRIL 1 st : NOTIFICATION to the authors and preliminary PROGRAM MAY 1 st : FINAL PROGRAM and end of early registration. JUNE 11 th – 15 th : CONFERENCE March 3rd, 2012NPSS AdCom, Santa Fe 8

March 26th, 2011NPSS AdCom, New York 9 RT14 in Nara, Japan (ICALEPCS 2015 in Melbourne, Australia) Site visit Patrick Le Dû and me on March 30 th, 2012 Announce conference at end of RT12 in Berkeley RT16 in Elba, Italy ? Coordinate with ICALEPCS RT14 Nara Kyoto