Deutscher Wetterdienst TT-RCC report to WGCH-3 Dipl.-Met. Stefan Rösner
Overview Administrative issues Activities in the WMO RA VI Operating Plan Miscellaneous Activities for next inter-sessional period Medienseminar 2011
Administrative issues TT RCC did not have any physical meeting nor telephone conference Work was focussed on implementation of the network and working towards approval by CBS XV In September 2012 the WMO Commission on Basic Systems (CBS) in its 15th session approved the nomination Next step will be the adoption of this approval by WMO Executive Council in May 2013 WMO plans a meeting with all GPCs and RCCs for November 2013 in Brasilia Medienseminar 2011
Activities in the WMO RA VI Operating Plan (1) Conduct WMO RA VI (Pilot) RCC-Network coordination meetings, including virtual meetings No coordination meetings held since November 2011 Coordination mainly by RCC workshops EMS-ECAM 2011 (Berlin) and EMS-ECAC 2012 (Lodz) Among objectives of EUMETNET Climate Programme: “support the Members (29 in RA VI) with the work of WMO and the RA VI RCC’s” Medienseminar 2011
Activities in the WMO RA VI Operating Plan (2) Develop a WMO RA VI RCC-Network Website and implement DCPC functions Work towards a common WMO-like layout for web sites and products Nodes have been asked to put logo on the RCC-products Further work is needed to show that the RCC nodes are carrying out the WMO functions Implementing DCPC functionality is a still ongoing task for each of the RCC nodes. The TT only can serve as information platform. Medienseminar 2011
Activities in the WMO RA VI Operating Plan (3) Enlarge the RCC Network services through RCC workshops and carry-ing out pilot Climate Watch Services, including also hydrology Implementation of Climate Watch Services started with a workshop in October 2010 NMHSs of Turkey, Serbia and Finland who volunteered as Pilots to test options for CWSs Workshop with pilots, all RCC nodes and other relevant participants planned for mid to end March 2012 had to be cancelled. In summer 2012 first climate watches for an ongoing heat wave in southern and central RA VI have successfully been issued Lessons learned have been discussed in a CWS workshop organized by WMO during the ECAM in Lodz, Poland Medienseminar 2011
Activities in the WMO RA VI Operating Plan (4) Analyze requirements and feedback on effectiveness, gaps and improvement of RCC-services in RA-VI Feedback from users of RCC products remains weak Requirements expressed in the Implementation Plan remain unchanged and valid But there still is ample room to improve accessibility and common look and feel of RCC products NMHSs in RA VI would implement a generic address through which RCC-related issues could be communicated Newsletters as a means of one-way communication with interested users – in principle not limited to NMHSs Medienseminar 2011
Activities in the WMO RA VI Operating Plan (5) Compile and publish catalogue of available products and services pro-vided via RAVI RCC-Network web-portal product catalogue – kind of RCC-CD: 2 pages ECA-Flyer RCC-CM: 8 pages brochure with product examples including general information on each product like methodology used, spatial resolution, temporal resolution, and quality indicators/ validation RCC-LRF at NEACC: web page with general products, at Météo France: 6 pages brochure with examples and product information comparable to the RCC-CM catalogue. Medienseminar 2011
Activities for next inter-sessional period Regional and/ or sub-regional hydrological products/ services Coordination meeting to discuss uptake and usefulness of present RCC services, review existing requirements from members, and possible extension of the Network e.g. to include ECMWF into the LRF (and monitoring?) nodes Further improvement of websites, layout of website and products, and keep product catalogue up-to-date Provide tools e.g. for downscaling seasonal forecasts Discuss and agree on relationship to new RCC-med on issue like Seamless products, i.e. uniform information, coordinated approach to users (=NMHSs) – work towards consensus statements/ information RCC-med as consortium member of RCC-Network for products within RA VI? Medienseminar 2011
Emerging issues (from last WGCH) NMHSs to establish generic addresses to be used in climate related (e.g. RCC) contexts Ensure sustained communication Multiple users can access such a mail box There may also be a generic for RCC issues Each RCC node each to make available on the Internet a generic presentation and poster (only one for RCC-LRF needs coordination) Access to restricted (product) areas of RCC-Network on the Internet Work towards one account per country for all RCC related logins Additional climate observations for RCC Are NMHSs willing to provide RCC (-CD and CM) with additional station data to improve gridded products? Medienseminar 2011
PÖ (nis) – 12/2010 Thank you for your attention!