NEW LOCAL IGM RESULTS FROM THE COSMIC ORIGINS SPECTROGRAPH JOHN STOCKE, U of COLORADO for the COS GTO Team Collaborators: Mike Shull, Jim Green, Charles Danforth & Brian Keeney at Colorado; Blair Savage and Anand Narayanan at Wisconsin
OUTLINE OF THE TALK Baryon Census: A new type of broad, shallow IGM/WHIM absorber (O VI-only) first discovered in COS spectrum of PKS Closing in on a complete census of baryons with HST QSO absorbers near galaxies: Contents of Galaxy Halos and Kinematics. Out-flowing Winds or In-falling Fuel ? What’s Up-coming for COS GTO ?
THE LOCAL BARYON CENSUS …AND AN EXAMPLE OF THE DOWN HOME- STYLE WISDOM FOR WHICH HE WAS FAMOUS: “Images are great! But, come on folks, if you want to do astrophysics, you need to do spectroscopy” Prof. John Huchra in his summary talk at the StScI Conference “Planets to Cosmology: Essential Science in the Final Years of the Hubble Space Telescope” (2004) THE CHARGE IN 2004 FROM MY OLD FRIEND AND OBSERVING BUDDY: “COMPLETE THE BARYON CENSUS with HST”
PKS z=0.573, F 2 x ergs cm -2 sec -1 Å ksec (G130M) vs. 27 ksec (STIS) gives large S/N ratio improvement Survey capabilities Spatial mapping Metals, diffuse IGM Savage et al ApJ 719, HIGH SIGNAL-TO-NOISE DETECTS SHALLOW, HIGH TEMPERATURE ABSORBERS WITH CONFIDENCE ! The Intergalactic Medium COS vs. STIS
COS vs. STIS : Detecting Weak Lines XX 9.7
Five strong O VI absorbers are seen in the PKS data. The Ly α system at z=0.167 shows several velocity components, including broad absorption at -270 km/s in O VI with no equivalent H I. This could represent gas at T≈ K associated with gas in a spiral-rich galaxy group. Strong OVI Absorbers * * * = nearest galaxy velocities Savage et al ApJ 719, 1526.
?? ? ? ? ? ? ? Galaxy z=0.167 is still uncertain OVI absorber is group gas?
HE : z=0.226 HI + OVI SYSTEM: BROAD Lyα + OVI on top of a narrower H I absorber… tough to de-convolve ! NARROW, PHOTOIONIZED ABSORBER: log N HI = 16.6 and with b=26 km/s ALSO HAS: C II, C III, N II, N III, Sii II, Si III Log U = -2.6 Cannot account for O VI ! BROAD ABSORBER: log N HI = 13.6 and with b=145: km/s O VI: log N=14.2 and b=37 km/s b-values log T = 6.1 o K : O VI velocity offset: 10—15 km/s ** SEE SAVAGE POSTER
IMPLICATIONS if OVI-only systems are SPIRAL- RICH GALAXY GROUP GAS WHAT WE SEE WHAT MULCHAEY et al (1996) predicted log T = 6.1 K log T = 6.3 K (based on b HI ≈ 100 km/s) (based on σ ≈ 100 km/s) log N H = 19.9 cm -2 log N H ≈ 20 cm -2 assumed size ≈ kpc inferred gas mass ≈ M סּ For # density of spiral-rich galaxy groups ≈ Mpc -3 b ≈ 2—20% of total Comparable to stellar mass in Spirals
“missing” ~40% Ly α Forest 30% galaxies cold HI <1% WHIM (OVI) WHIM (BLAs) WHIM (OVI+BLAs) ~20% 14% 8% 7% Local Baryon Census clusters ~3% Danforth, Stocke & Shull, 2010, ApJ, 710, 613 arXiv: (PRE-COS: c. 2009)
“missing” 20-40% Ly α Forest 30% galaxies cold HI <1% WHIM (OVI) WHIM (BLAs) WHIM (OVI+BLAs) ~20% 14% 8% 7% Local Baryon Census clusters ~3% Spiral Group Gas 2-20%? (COS + 1 year: c. 2010) Todd Tripp talk on Friday
From Danforth et al ApJ submitted & 2010 arXiv HST/COS FUV Spectrum of BL Lac Object: 1ES : a BL Lac at z > 0.4 (Danforth et al ApJ) a triple OVI system UNAMBIGUOUS OVI REGION | SEE CHARLES DANFORTH POSTER ON COS BL LACS UPSTAIRS FOR SOME SURPRISES! OVI COVERAGE FOR z = 0.4 Ly α absorber
Lyα OVI 1032 OVI 1038 CIII 977 1ES triple Lyα/O VI system at z≈0.188 detected in O VI, N V & C III Different than OVI- only systems: Structure suggests shock interfaces between absorbers, not thermally relaxed Shocked gas in a Galaxy Filament ? 500 ksec Chandra spectroscopy in- progress
QSO absorbers near galaxies: Out-flowing Winds or In-falling Fuel ? MANY INVESTIGATORS ASSUME THE ANSWER 1.STARBURST GALAXY WINDS are assumed to be rather ubiquitous and to usually escape into IGM promoters: “BALLISTIC IMPERIALISTS” 2. COLD MODE ACCRETION IN FORM OF HIGH VELOCITY CLOUDS are assumed to be present around all massive halos. Low metallicity gas must be accreted by big galaxies to fuel on-going star formation episodes. promoters: “FEEDING FRENZY ENTHUSIASTS” BUT which of these are being seen as QSO absorbers ? ONLY POSSIBLE TO ANSWER for specific cases AT VERY LOW-z (≤ 0.1) Using QSO/galaxy pairs with COS GTOs + GOs Heckman, Tumlinson, Turnshek, etc.
QSO ABSORPTION LINE STUDIES OF QSO/GALAXY PAIRS: But gas motion is hard to interpret unambiguously H II regions in red in ESO G Ejected Nucleus? TIDAL HVC DISK GAS (INFALL or (velocity of H II OUTFLOW ?) regions in disk) Can’t Tell for Sure ! HI 21cm Keeney et al. AJ 2010 submitted PKS
IC 691 L ≈ 0.05 L* cz gal = 1204 ± 3 km s −1 SBS z em = cz abs = 1178 ± 15 km s −1 6.6 arcmin (34 kpc) COS ABSORPTION LINE STUDIES OF QSO/GALAXY PAIRS: An Isolated Dwarf Starburst Galaxy
Full COS Spectrum of SBS z=0.852 From Keeney et al. in preparation. Z QSO = S/N = 18 xx AIR GLOW LINES LLS at z~0.56
IC 691 L ≈ 0.05 L* cz gal = 1204 ± 3 km s −1 SBS z em = cz abs = 1178 ± 15 km s −1 6.6 arcmin (34 kpc) DETECTING AN OUTFLOWING (?) WIND FROM A DWARF STARBURST GALAXY: Absorber Characteristics: log N_HI ~ 16.5: cm -2 b~ 30—50: km/s [Z] ~ -1.2 [Z gal ] ~ -0.7 from HII regions High Ionization gas w/ slight overabundance of Si/C Abundances indicative of outflow; kinematics inconclusive Si II not detected
ESCAPE VELOCITY ABSORBER RELATIVE VELOCITY GALAXY INCLINATION ANGLE IF OUTFLOW IS PERPENDICULAR TO GALAXY DISK, GAS IS MARGINALLY-BOUND Uncertain inclination angle and galaxy mass estimators plus low Δv leaves uncertain whether gas escapes into IGM.
BLUE SPECTRUM RED SPECTRUM BLACK SPECTRUM “TRIPLE-PROBE” OF A ½ L* GALAXY HALO X X X X 0.42 xxx Only high ions detected at low Δv and NO METALS detected at 100 kpc out minor axis !!!
HERE’s ONE WHERE WE CAN BE MORE CERTAIN WF/PC2 Hα Image shows no plumes or wisps in direction of 3C232 not outflow? Greater obscuration of H II regions to bottom of NGC 3067 support H I rotation-curve analysis favoring “underside” view of NGC 3067 gas seen in H I absorption is infalling Stocke, Keeney & Danforth 2010 PASA, 127, 256 (2010) & arXiv ). 3C 232 NGC 3067
Is Absorbing Gas Infalling or Outflowing? If we can pin down the 3D orientation of the galaxy we can use the velocity information to determine whether absorbing gas in infalling or outflowing, assuming that absorbing gas is moving perpendicular to the galaxy disk (better assumption for outflow than infall). Ways to Determine Orientation: 1.High-res Imaging to look at distribution of H II regions (numbers and integrated luminosities). 2.High-res Spectroscopy to look at Balmer decrement as a function of position in the galaxy. BlueshiftRedshift
NGC 3067 H I Absorber N HI = 1.0 x cm 2 T spin = 500 ± 200 K T kin = 380 ± 30 K R(Galactocentric)= 11 kpc Cloud Size = 5 kpc Z ≈ 0.25 Z UV f esc < 2% Galactic HVCs N HI > 2 x cm 2 T spin > 200 K R(Galactocentric) < 40 kpc Cloud Size = 3 20 kpc Z = 0.08 0.35 Z UV f esc = 1-2% Keeney et al (2005) Putman et al (2003) Tumlinson et al (1999) Akeson & Blitz (1999) Stocke, Keeney & Danfoth (2010) Collins, Shull, & Giroux (2004) Hulsbosch & Wakker (1988) MgII/Lyman Limit Systems as HVC Analogs
CONCLUSIONS COS is delivering SNR > 15 at R≈ 18,000 for GTOs, four large GO programs (S.Morris, T. Tripp & J. Tumlinson, PIs) and several smaller programs. OVI-ONLY ABSORBERS may be gravitationally-heated GAS IN SPIRAL-RICH GALAXY GROUPS AT T ~ 10 6 K. If so, this gas can account for up to 20% OF BARYONS in low-z Universe. *** Important to find more of these and conduct deep galaxy surveys in their vicinities *** INFALL OR OUTFLOW CAN BE DISTINGUISHED IN SOME CASES for QSO Absorber/Galaxy Pairs where the nearby disk galaxy is at an intermediate inclination angle. *** Important to observe many nearby examples to establish infall/outflow frequencies of QSO absorbers ***