Art in New York Abex to Post-minimalism
Arshile Gorky, The Artist and His Mother, Oil on canvas, 5’ X 4’ 2”.
Pablo Picasso, The Studio, Paris, winter ; dated Oil on canvas, 4’ 11” X 7’ 7”.
Willem de Kooning, Woman and Bicycle, Oil on canvas, 6’ 4 ½” X 4’ 1”.
Willem de Kooning, Seated Woman, c Oil on charcoal on masonite, 54 ¼” X 36”.
Willem de Kooning, Excavation, Oil on Canvas, 6’ 9” X 8’ 4 ¼”.
Willem and Elaine de Kooning, Photograph by Hans Namuth.
Willem de Kooning, Gotham News, Oil on canvas, 5’ 11” X 6’ 10”.
Jackson Pollock, Echo (Number 25, 1951), 1951.Enamel on umprimed canvas, 7’ 7 7/8” X 7’ 2”.
Jackson Pollock, Blue Poles, Oil, enamel, and aluminum paint, glass on canvas, 6’ 11 ½” X 15’ 12 ½”.
Jean Dubuffet, Childbirth (L’Accouchement), from the “Marionettes of the Town and the Country” series, Oil on canvas, 39 3/8 X 31 3/4”.
Jean Dubuffet, Le Metafisyx, August Oil on canvas, 45 5/8 X 35 ¼”.
Alberto Giacometti, Man Pointing, Bronze, 70 ½” X 40 3/4”.
Francis Bacon, Three Studies for figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, 1944, Oil on board support, triptych, each panel 37” X 29”.
Francisc Bacon, Study After Velazquez’s Portrait of Pope Innocent X, Oil on canvas, 5’ ¼” X 3’ 10 ½”.
Francis Bacon, Self-Portrait, Oil on canvas, 14” X 12”.
Jasper Johns, Target with Plaster Casts, Encaustic and collage on canvas with objects, 51” X 44” 3 ½”.
Jasper Johns, Perilous Night, Encaustic on canvas with objects, 67 ½” X 96” X 5 ½”.
Jasper Johns, Summer from “The Seasons” series, Encaustic on canvas, 6’ 3” X 4’ 2”.
Yves Klein, Untitled Blue Monochrome (IKB), Dry pigment in synthetic resin on paper, 8 ½” X 7 1/8”.
Arman, Large Bourgeois Refuse, Trash in a glass box with wooden base, 25 3/4” X 15 3/4” X 3 ¼”.
Nam June Paik, TV Bra for Living Sculpture, with Charlotte Moorman, 1969.
Quang Duc, a seventy-three-year old Buddhist monk, soaked himself in gasoline and set himself on fire, burning to death in front of thousands of onlookers at a main highway intersection in Saigon, Vietnam on June 11, He was protesting against the American- backed government’s discrimination against Buddhists. A group of nuns and monks circled the burning martyr with banners that read “A Buddhist Priest Burnes Himself for Five Requests.”
David Hockney, Henry Geldzahler and Christopher Scott, Acrylic on canvas, 7’ X 10’.
Andy Warhol, Skulls, Synthetic polymer paint, silkscreened, on canvas, 15” X 19”.
Donal Judd, Untitled, Anodized aluminum and blue Plexiglas, four units 3’ 11 ½” X 4’ 11 7/8” X 4’ 11 7/8” each with 12” intervals.
Richard Serra throwing lead, Castelli Warehouse, New York 1969.
Mario Merz, Double igloo, 1979 (showing Alligator with Fibonacci Numbers to 377 on the ceiling). Outer structure: metal tubes, clamps, glass, and hat; inner structure: metal tubes, wire mesh, dried mud, neon tubes; 9’ 10” high X 19’ 8 ¼” diameter overall.
Joseph Kosuth, One and Three Hammers, Hammer, Photograph of a hammer, Photostat of the definition of hammer, 24 X 53 3/8”.
Gilbert and George, The Singing Sculpture (“Underneath the Arches”), 1969, performed at Sonnabend Gallery, October 1971.
Carolee Schneemann, Interior Scroll, Performance photograph.
Jean-Michel Basquiat, Boy and Dog in a Johnnypump, Acrylic, oil paintstick, and spray paint on canvas, 7’ 10 ½” X 13’ 9 ½”.
Jean-Michel Basquiat, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Derelict, Acrylic, oil, and oil painstick on wood, 6’ 8 5/16” X 6’ 10 1/16”.
Allan McCollum, Drawings, Installation at John Weber Gallery, New York, Over 2,00 framed drawings, pencil on museum board, various sizes.
Vanessa Beecroft, Show, April Live performance at the Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Eduardo Kac, GFP Bunny, Alba, the flourescent rabbit.
Shirin Neshat, Rebelious Silence, RC print and ink, 46 5/8” X 31 1/8”.
Andrea Fraser, still from Little Frank and his Carp, Video still, DVD NTSC. Duration six minutes.