Earliest origins of theatre come from Egypt Ikhernofret of Abydos arranged and played the leading role in a 3 day pageant of actual battles, processions and ceremonies for the god Osiris Western Drama developed in Greece in 600 BC It was the worship of the Greek god Dionysus Group of chanters sacrificing a goat, goat-singers Ceremonies involved into dramatic contests Beginning of Festival of Dionysus
Height of sailing season Lasted 5-6 days On the last 3 days A different playwright would present 4 plays First 3 plays were tragedies Fourth play was a satyr Playwrights competed for the glory of their name
Athenian playwrights used myths and heroic legends drawn from Homer and other sources, but shaped them to reflect contemporary issues Theatre was a civic responsibility Writer and actor helped the people confront current political or religious problems Greek drama was at its height between 500 and 400 B.C.
Tragedy A form of drama in which the main character suffers disaster Comedy A light amusing play that typically has a happy ending Satyr Irreverent, bawdy burlesque zxUc zxUc
Trilogy 3 plays related by theme, myth, or characters Pathos Human sorrow and compassion Catharsis The emotional release an audience feels after the downfall of a tragic character
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Skene: a small hut at the rear of the acting area Machina Cranelike hoist that permitted actors to appear above the stage as if flying Could carry a chariot and horses, several persons
Thespis Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides Aristophanes
For your assigned Greek influence: Who are they? (20pts) 5 facts on their life 5 ways they influenced or changed Greek theatre What did they do? (20pts) A list of their complete works Their influence on theatre Where did they work?(20pts) A visual image of the stage or space they worked in with appropriate labels How is their work still used today? (20pts) What do we still use (plays, stages, structure of plays, etc.) What else? (20pts) You should have a minimum of 5 visuals You need to have a works cited page for ALL references