______ theatre – to gain control over something that isn’t understood. Example:________________________ Ancient Greece - _____________, The god of wine,


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Presentation transcript:

______ theatre – to gain control over something that isn’t understood. Example:________________________ Ancient Greece - _____________, The god of wine, fertility, change of seasons ___________ - choral songs to Dionysus __________ - was the first actor Major Playwrights __________ (525 – 456 BC) 2 nd actor, 7 plays left __________ (496 – 406 BC) 3 rd actor, 7 plays left __________ (480 – 406 BC) 13 plays left

Ritual theatre – to gain control over something that isn’t understood. Example:_good weather = good crops

Ancient Greece - _______, The god of wine, fertility, change of seasons ___________ - choral songs to Dionysus __________ - was the first actor Major Playwrights __________ (525 – 456 BC) 2 nd actor, 7 plays left __________ (496 – 406 BC) 3 rd actor, 7 plays left __________ (480 – 406 BC) 13 plays left Ritual theatre – to gain control over something that isn’t understood. Example:_good weather = good crops

Ritual theatre – to gain control over something that isn’t understood. Example:_good weather = good crops Ancient Greece - Dionysus, The god of wine, fertility, change of seasons

Ritual theatre – to gain control over something that isn’t understood. Example:_good weather = good crops Ancient Greece - Dionysus, The god of wine, fertility, change of seasons _________ - choral songs to Dionysus _______ - was the first actor Major Playwrights _________ (525 – 456 BC) 2 nd actor, 7 plays left _________ (496 – 406 BC) 3 rd actor, 7 plays left _________ (480 – 406 BC) 13 plays left

Ritual theatre – to gain control over something that isn’t understood. Example:_good weather = good crops Ancient Greece - Dionysus, The god of wine, fertility, change of seasons dithyrambs - choral songs to Dionysus _______ - was the first actor Major Playwrights __________ (525 – 456 BC) 2 nd actor, 7 plays left __________ (496 – 406 BC) 3 rd actor, 7 plays left __________ (480 – 406 BC) 13 plays left

Ritual theatre – to gain control over something that isn’t understood. Example:_good weather = good crops Ancient Greece - Dionysus, The god of wine, fertility, change of seasons dithyrambs - choral songs to Dionysus Thespis - was the first actor

Festivals – (January) ______, comedy (March) ___________, tragedy

Festivals – (January) Lenaea, comedy (March) ___________, tragedy

Festivals – (January) Lenaea, comedy (March) City Dionysia, tragedy

Major Playwrights ________ (525 – 456 BC) 2 nd actor, 7 plays left ________ (496 – 406 BC) 3 rd actor, 7 plays left ________ (480 – 406 BC) 13 plays left

Major Playwrights Aeschylus (525 – 456 BC) 2 nd actor, 7 plays left ________ (496 – 406 BC) 3 rd actor, 7 plays left ________ (480 – 406 BC) 13 plays left Wrote: over 80 plays 7 Tragedies left The Persians The 7 Against Thebes Prometheus Bound The Oresteia Trilogy Agamemnon The Choephori The Eumenides

Major Playwrights Aeschylus (525 – 456 BC) 2 nd actor, 7 plays left Sophocles (496 – 406 BC) 3 rd actor, 7 plays left ________ (480 – 406 BC) 13 plays left

Major Playwrights Aeschylus (525 – 456 BC) 2 nd actor, 7 plays left Sophocles (496 – 406 BC) 3 rd actor, 7 plays left Euripedes (480 – 406 BC) 13 plays left

FUNCTIONS OF THE CHORUS 1.Expresses _______ 2.Gives _________ advice 3.(Usually) Supports the _________ 4.The ideal ________ 5.Sets _____ 6.Adds ____ and ________ 7.Controls _____ and _____

FUNCTIONS OF THE CHORUS 1.Expresses opinions 2.Gives _________ advice 3.(Usually) Supports the _________ 4.The ideal ________ 5.Sets _____ 6.Adds ____ and ________ 7.Controls _____ and _____

FUNCTIONS OF THE CHORUS 1.Expresses opinions 2.Gives protagonist advice 3.(Usually) Supports the _________ 4.The ideal ________ 5.Sets _____ 6.Adds ____ and ________ 7.Controls _____ and _____

FUNCTIONS OF THE CHORUS 1.Expresses opinions 2.Gives protagonist advice 3.(Usually) Supports the protagonist 4.The ideal ________ 5.Sets _____ 6.Adds ____ and _________ 7.Controls _____ and _____

FUNCTIONS OF THE CHORUS 1.Expresses opinions 2.Gives protagonist advice 3.(Usually) Supports the protagonist 4.The ideal spectator 5.Sets _____ 6.Adds _____ and _________ 7.Controls _____ and _____

FUNCTIONS OF THE CHORUS 1.Expresses opinions 2.Gives protagonist advice 3.(Usually) Supports the protagonist 4.The ideal spectator 5.Sets mood 6.Adds ____ and _________ 7.Controls ______ and _____

FUNCTIONS OF THE CHORUS 1.Expresses opinions 2.Gives protagonist advice 3.(Usually) Supports the protagonist 4.The ideal spectator 5.Sets mood 6.Adds color and movement 7.Controls ______ and _____

FUNCTIONS OF THE CHORUS 1.Expresses opinions 2.Gives protagonist advice 3.(Usually) Supports the protagonist 4.The ideal spectator 5.Sets mood 6.Adds color and movement 7.Controls rhythm and tempo

THE UNITIES 1.____ - 24 hours of time passes (no more) 2._____ - one location 3.______ - single plot, NO sub-plots

THE UNITIES 1.time - 24 hours of time passes (no more) 2.____ - one location 3._____ - single plot, NO sub-plots

THE UNITIES 1.time - 24 hours of time passes (no more) 2.place - one location 3._____ - single plot, NO sub-plots

THE UNITIES 1.time - 24 hours of time passes (no more) 2.place - one location 3.action - single plot, NO sub-plots

____ __ _______ - God of the machine

Deus ex Machina - God of the machine

Stage device in Greek and Roman drama in which a god appeared in the sky by means of a crane (Greek, mechane) to resolve the plot of a play. Plays by Sophocles and particularly Euripides sometimes require the device

Now it means a quick resolution to a plot problem that could not have been forseen