Mrs. Hagy’s
You will need a literature book if I am not here. Make sure your agenda, notebooks (for Board Work) and journals (for annotations) are labeled Make sure you have a system for keeping all notes and handouts in place NEVER hand in homework (or place it on my desk) unless it is all being collected NEVER leave or touch anything on my desk without expressed consent form your teacher
Each student will be required to complete board work assignments in a separate notebook labeled “Board Work”. This notebook will be collected periodically and graded. In order to receive full credit the following guidelines should be followed : You will be given 5 to 10 minutes to complete board work daily. It is essential that you come to class prepared and begin working immediately. If absent YOU are responsible for writing the date you were absent in your folder along with the word “absent” so you can receive credit. All work must be complete and legible in order to receive full credit (see syllabus)
You are required to fill out your annotations every night, I will collect it (or certain pages) on Thursdays Word within the Word will be collected once per week. I will inform you as to how to complete it and when it is due Let’s look at the syllabus for this class…
Inclement weather before school begins – Go to the auditorium Fire drill - close door, no talking, out by office doors & walk to Rosemont Emergency in room- keep away from doors, NO talking. LISTEN TO INSTRUCTIONS! Personal hygiene Acknowledgement and rewards Review contents
Checklist- review which checks are given / number of checks for recess detention Behavior contract When another teacher/adult enters the room they may have very important information to share with me, you are to remain on task until I am finished speaking with him or her. Uniform: Jeans, SOLID blue or white shirts Boys- no undies showing! Girls- no cleavage or bras showing!
Don’t procrastinate Take and review notes Get organized-Keep handouts from my class Get a study buddy Have long-term goals READ (especially non-fiction) Read your writing aloud Follow school rules-important for when letters of recommendation are needed