Introduction Management skills are closely related to management styles and to each other. No manager is required to use these skills constantly and different styles draw more heavily on different skills more often than others. Karpin Report suggested modern managers need better ‘soft’ and ‘people’ skills. The skills identified included: Communication Delegation Negotiation Teamwork Stress Management Problem solving and Decision making Time management Emotional intelligence
Communication Involves the ability to transfer information from a sender to a receiver, and to listen to feedback. It also involves the maintenance of good relationships Communication is fundamental t almost everything that occurs in an organisation.
Communication: Forms One-to-one personal communication Written communication (memos, reports, s, letters) Committees Conferences Networks
Communication: Noise Noise in communication blocks or distorts the message. Noise can arise from: Physical distractions Ineffective or unsuitable communications technology The words used The receiver’s view of the sender Cultural differences
Communication: Reducing Noise Noise can be lowered in a number of ways including: Planning a suitable time and place Trialling and adjusting communications technology in advance Using simple and clear communication Attempting to stimulate interest and maintain attention Seeking feedback from the receivers to confirm understanding
Delegation The transfer of authority and responsibility from a manager to an employee to carry out specific activities. Significant tasks are handed over by management to an employee. Delegation is an appropriate skill to use in order to manage time effectively and to enable staff to use new skills. It also allows smooth flow of production due to absenteeism as employees can ‘step up’. A manager needs to ensure that they don’t delegate tasks above the ability of the employees and provide support to those employees who are taking on new tasks.
Negotiation The process of reaching an agreement through discussion and compromise. The objective of negotiations should be to reach a win- win situation for the parties involved. Picture??
Teamwork Being able to work with, and lead teams very important skill. Utilises a number of other skills such as communication, negotiation, emotional intelligence and problem-solving. Teamwork implies that managers need to act more as facilitators and not impose their authority on team members.
Stress Management Stress has negative connotations, not always the case. Positive side of stress is that it is an activator that challenges us and helps us achieve goals. Too much stress is a negative and may have the opposite affect and lead to deeper issues. Stress management is about managing the levels of stress that develop in employees while they are working. Some ways to manage stress include better time management, delegation of tasks (both skills in themselves), flexible work arrangements, providing leave if necessary and providing activities to reduce stress such as exercise and social get-togethers.
Problem Solving and Decision Making These skills can be grouped together as one is usually the outcome of the other. Problem solving involves finding and implementing a course of action to correct an unworkable situation. Decision making is the process of identifying the options available and then choosing a specific course of action.
Problem Solving and Decision Making A six step approach (slightly different to one in book): Step 1: Define the objective Step 2 Outline the facts Step 3: Develop alternative solutions Step 4: Select and implement a solution Step 5: Evaluate the solution. You need to be able to explain and apply these steps.
Time Management Time is a precious resource which needs managing. Involves the ability to prioritise tasks, set deadlines, review progress and delegate.
Emotional Intelligent (EQ) The skill of identifying, assessing and managing the emotions of self and others. A manager high in Emotional Intelligence uses clear communication, is sensitive to others needs and non threatening. Empathy (seeing things from other’s point of view) plays a large part of EQ.