Gratitude Spartan Theme of the Month for November What is gratitude? What can gratitude do for you? College Prep Period Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Gratitude is having an attitude of being thankful. Gratitude is being ready to show appreciation. Gratitude is responding to kindness with kindness. Gratitude is seeing the positive and being glad for it. Gratitude is a choice we make. It is each one of us deciding to take control of our attitudes in a positive way. What is Gratitude?
Gratitude puts things into perspective – you start to see the positive instead of just the negative. Gratitude – A Better Choice
Gratitude helps us realize what we have. This can lessen our need for always wanting more all the time. Gratitude – A Better Choice
Helps us see the bigger picture. Sometimes we gets too focused on one negative detail. Helps us appreciate the small things in life What Can Gratitude Do For Me?
Research shows that an attitude of gratitude helps… Strengthen relationships Improve health Reduce stress and Make us happier people according to Dr. Emmons What Can Gratitude Do For Me?
What are you grateful for? What are you grateful for? Watch this video! What are we grateful for?
Give Someone a Genuine Compliment Compliments… Make people feel noticed and Valued Make people feel more connected Build trust Encourage conversation Start With Baby-steps
Who are you thankful for? Give at least 1 genuine compliment a day to that someone for what they do. Mark Twain said, “I can live two months on a good compliment.” What did he mean? Showing Gratitude
How to do it the right way… Be genuine. False praise is easy to spot. Don’t fake it! Be as specific as possible. Smile and say, “Thank you” when you receive a compliment. What not to do… Don’t give back-handed compliments (Example…You throw a ball well for a girl.) Don’t ignore a compliment given to you. What is a Genuine Compliment?
Look for a positive detail about your partner Say… Practice with your partner.
Our two students 1) Alexis Rangel and 2) Victoriano Garcia are currently serving as Student Representatives for School Site Council. As a School Site Council Student Representative You are expected to attend a monthly meeting on the third Monday of every month from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. You will have the opportunities to share opinions and concerns in building the school. School Site Council is seeking nominations for an additional student representative. If you are interested please share your interest with your College Prep Teacher. Your teacher will submit your name to Mr. Rhodes today. School Site Council