Persuasive Reading Elements of an Argument
Words to know… Claim- Writer’s position on an issue or problem. State your argument. The claim may appear in the introduction or the conclusion. Support- Any material that helps the writer to prove his/her claim. Includes reasons and evidence. Assumptions- Opinions and beliefs that are taken for granted. Opposing View- Objections to the writer’s claim Counterarguments- arguments made to contradict or argue against the opposing viewpoints.
Types of Support - Evidence Statistics – data from reliable sources Facts – Statements that can be proven Examples – details that demonstrate the claim Expert Opinions – quotes or information from researchers or those respected in a certain field Observations – firsthand accounts of an event
Can you find the elements? The school district should not charge after-school sports programs to use the fields. To begin, those fields are maintained by taxpayer money. Home-owners pay an average of $ a year for the upkeep of these facilities. People in favor of charging for using the fields say the district needs money. But teams can’t afford to pay: if pressed they will simply fold. Then kids won’t have any teams at all. Further, health care experts like the Surgeon General encourage kids to get involved in sports to relieve stress and build lifelong health. Some argue that kids should exercise in school. However, kids often do not have the time, so after-school sports are one way to achieve this aim. After-school sports also help burn off energy and bonds with each other. Please do not charge the community teams to use school fields.
Let’s Review The school district should not charge after-school sports programs to use the fields. To begin, those fields are maintained by taxpayer money. Home-owners pay an average of $ a year for the upkeep of these facilities. People in favor of charging for using the fields say the district needs money. But teams can’t afford to pay: if pressed they will simply fold. Then kids won’t have any teams at all. Further, health care experts like the Surgeon General encourage kids to get involved in sports to relieve stress and build lifelong health. Some argue that kids should exercise in school. However, kids often do not have the time, so after-school sports are one way to achieve this aim. After-school sports also help burn off energy and bonds with each other. Please do not charge the community teams to use school fields.
Persuasive Techniques Logical Appeals- Logos Emotional Appeals- Pathos Ethical Appeals – Ethos Kairos
Logical – Logos – Greek for ‘word’ Logical Appeals use valid facts and sound reasoning to persuade. Facts, numbers, and information can be very convincing. Can you think of a commercial that uses logical appeal?
Emotional Appeals – From the Greek word Pathos- The feeling, as of sympathy or pity Emotional appeals are often the most effective method of persuading an audience. They are not based on evidence but rather appeal to feeling in order to get one to “buy in. What would be an example of emotional appeal?
Ethical – From the Greek word Ethos -character, or fundamental values peculiar to a specific person. Ethical appeals tend to persuade by using your sense of duty or responsibility. These try to convince by appeals to a group of people’s beliefs and values. How can you persuade someone with his/her ethics?
Kairos From the Greek word meaning the right or opportune moment. Try to convince your audience that this issue is so important they must act now. Example: This is a one-time offer. You can’t get this price after today. One day only sale.
Can you find the techniques? The school district should not charge after-school sports programs to use the fields. To begin, those fields are maintained by taxpayer money. Home-owners pay an average of $ a year for the upkeep of these facilities. People in favor of charging for using the fields say the district needs money. But teams can’t afford to pay: if pressed they will simply fold. Then kids won’t have any teams at all. Further, health care experts like the Surgeon General encourage kids to get involved in sports to relieve stress and build lifelong health. Some argue that kids should exercise in school. However, kids often do not have the time, so after-school sports are one way to achieve this aim. After-school sports also help burn off energy and bonds with each other. Please do not charge the community teams to use school fields.