THE RIGHT FOOD Teacher: Makarova M.V.
RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is green and long. It is a …. cucumber
RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is white outside (снаружи) and yellow inside (внутри).It is an …. egg
RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is red and round. We make salad with it. It is a …. tomato
RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is white. Little children usually drink it. It is …. milk
RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) We usually have it for dinner. It is …. soup
RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is sweet and cold. It is very tasty and all children like it very much. It is an …. ice-cream
IRREGULAR VERBS (неправильные глаголы) Русский вариантI ФОРМАII ФОРМА have Есть, кушать put saw bought Давать take иметь had eat ate Класть, ставить put Видетьsee Покупать buy give gave Брать, взятьtook
“ROBIN” Cookies – печенья A stomach-ache ['stʌməkeɪk] – боль в животе
DIALOGUE -You look terrible! What’s the matter? -I have a stomach-ache… - What did you eat yesterday? - I ate 10 cakes and 20 cookies yesterday… - Eat the right food! Eat fruit and vegetables! An apple a day keeps the doctor away! You may use (можешь использовать) these words: toothache ['tu:θeɪk](зубная боль), pizzas, tomatoes, apples, sweets, chips, porridge, ice-creams, fish.
Hometask Page 133 exercise 8 – read and translate Page 134 exercise 9 – orally (устно) Write 7-10 sentences: What do you usually eat (for breakfast, dinner, supper)? Is it the right food or not? What are your favourite food and drink?
Thank you for the lesson. Have a nice day!