1 Point of Sale (WP 4): progress of the work Artur Rzeżutka National Veterinary Research Institute Pulawy, Poland
2 WP4 objectives and deliverables T.4.1-T.4.5 Data-gathering on raw pork products, salad vegetables, shellfish, soft fruit and imported produce at point-of-sale D.4.1-D.4.5 Data on virus contamination on raw pork products, salad vegetables, shellfish, soft fruit and imported produce at point-of-sale Objectives Deliverables
3 Retailers points identified for future sampling Type of foodstuff Point-of-sale supermarket butcher shop farmers market/farm open market pork products63-- vegetables5-2/12/1- shellfish fruit6- 2/- -
4 Type of samples Food of animal origin (sausages) Shellfish (oysters/mussels) Pork products Food of plant origin (lettuce) Soft/frozen fruit (starwberries/raspberries) Salad vegetables
5 Sampling “Ad hoc” sampling points (environmental samples) equipment, swabs from toilets hands water samples
6 Farmers market monitoring
7 Total amount of samples taken for WP4 TaskRetail point Type of samples Number of samples T 4.1 (pork products) --- T 4.2 (salad vegetables) farmers’ market lettuce 39 supermarket 20 T 4.3 (shellfish) --- T 4.4 (soft fruit) farmers’ market raspberries10 strawberries18 T 4.5 (imported produce) supermarket shellfish11 supermarket farmers’ market strawberries10
8 What is next? to complete fact finding missions for fresh produce and pork supply chain to define term „imported produce” taking into account WP5 needs