REGISTER CLASSTIME 4MK19.30 am 4MK29.45 am 4MK am 4SA am BREAK 4SA am 4SA am 4SL am 4SL am 4SL am 4SL am Other students wishing to purchase a blazer12.10 pm BLAZER FITTING SCHEDULE CONFERENCE ROOM TODAY Only students wishing to purchase a blazer should attend. Reminder: All new S4 require a blazer as now compulsory Students who wish to purchase a blazer and need to try one on for size should report to the Assembly Hall at the following times:
Berlin 2016 Meeting for all who have signed up/interested lunchtime today! Room 116
Tickets: £6 (£4 concession) NOW ON SALE IN THE MUSIC DEPT AT LUNCHTIME Wednesday & Thursday this week 7pm
The high school version of SU... All years welcome Art Room 313 Lunchtime on Mondays Clay-model, Hang-Out, Talk-life, Soul-food and Jaffa Cakes with Darius, Jo and Ali
Attention S3 Pupils!!!!! If you wish to be presented for a CREST Award you must check EDMODO for details on what to do. Please see Mr Rhodes if you have any questions regarding this.
Swaziland 2016 Please can Miss Ludbrook’s group meet on Tuesday (23 rd ) lunch time in Room 219. We will be discussing our fundraising so far and starting to plan for events during/after the summer holidays Bring your lunch with you
We are still open over the Summer holidays Thursday Health Drop-in 3.30pm - Lasswade High School MYPAS, Healthy Respect, Midlothian Council, NHS Lothian Confidential young person friendly drop-in for young people aged 12 – 21 years Health info and support c:card plus point Postal Testing Kits (PTKs) Pregnancy testing & advice Groupwork sessions
Could the following pupils see Miss Maltby, Rm 119 ASAP; Yasmin McArthur Thomas Nolan Aimee Hoggan James Redfearn Jade Milliken Toni Jenkinson Rupert Kinch Could the following pupils see Miss Maltby, Rm 119 ASAP; Yasmin McArthur Thomas Nolan Aimee Hoggan James Redfearn Jade Milliken Toni Jenkinson Rupert Kinch
Summer Test Letters for tickets for the only chance to see Scotland before the World Cup can be collected from Mr Mitchell
There will be a rag bag collection on: Wednesday This is a great opportunity to tidy out your wardrobe before the Summer and help school funds! Items accepted for donation: Good quality clean clothing; paired shoes; handbags; wallets and ties. A limited supply of bags will be distributed to registration classes on Friday, 19 June. Donations can also be made using household black bags.
How to make a rag bag donation Bring your bags to school on Wednesday, 24 June and leave them at the drop off point before registration. Where is the drop off point? At the bottom of the main stairs, outside the glass doors entrance to the atrium. Leave your bags beside the notice with your house name on it as house points will be awarded for each bag donated. Thank you for your support! (Mrs Young – Eco Schools)
S5/6 Fundraisers Are you fundraising for a trip? Would you like to hold a cake sale? If yes, book your slot now for the coming year with Mrs Ross. There are 10 slots so you need to be quick.
Battlefields Trip June 2016 (S3, S4 and S5) Come and see some of the most famous and historical WW1 sites in Belgium and France! “Calling all S3 and S4!! Your school needs you to form the next Lasswade Pals Battalion!” Please see Mr McKay in room 216 as soon as possible for further details and letter A fantastic trip in which you will see, feel and experience so much!
London 2016 Current S1-S2 pupils Please see Miss Longmore (Rm226) or Miss Paterson (Rm225) if you are interested in securing a place.
Berlin June 2016 S3 – current S5 See Mrs Watt or Mr Murray to find out more