Jagger Newcomb Review Power Point 12/11/12
Beowulf Beowulf comes to assist the king by killing a monster (grendal) who is terrorizing his land. He succeeds and the king commits suicide and giving Beowulf the crown. Beowulf visits the witch(mother of grendal) and makes sweet…sweet passionate love to her and thus making his son a.k.a the dragon and forces Beowulf to kill it and cut off his arm and the end…..
Helen of Troy Helen left Achilles to wed Paris and Achilles got all mad and gathered his neighboring lands to arms against Troy.
Macbeth Macbeth kills the king to take his place and he has problems keeping it quiet. He goes insane and his wife kills herself because she also went insane. He tries to kill Banquo and succeeds and tries to kill his son but he fails and his son rallies a army to bring Macbeth to justice.
The Tiger A ballade about the symmetries of life and death.
The Lamb The good of people and innocence
The Poison Tree How anger can grow like a apple on a tree and how negative emotions or bottling emotions in can make it grow
No Witchcraft for Sale How you should not look down on anyone for they could save you one day or be more reliable than you may think.
Gulliver’s Travels Gulliver accused of insanity, tries to explain how he actually went to bizarre lands unseen. As he explains his travels, he seems more insane to everyone around him but his son who later finds a tiny sheep in his bag and brings it about when Gulliver is on trail.
Lord Randall Lord Randall comes home sick and later dies of being poisoned but by who is the real question!