Yellow By: Lillian Mai and Madison Dzikowicz
Symbolism Alert Hazard Warmth Happiness Pleasure Sunshine Jealousy Gold Betrayal
Cultural Differences In Western culture about 7% of Europeans and Americans said yellow was their least favorite color. It has been seen as a color of envy and duplicity. While in China and other Asian countries yellow is thought of as a symbolic color for virtue and nobility. It is seen as the color of happiness. In Africa yellow is a symbol for royalty, wealth, spirituality, and fertility. It is often used in spiritual rituals.
Facts Yellow was estimated to be used over 17,300 years ago. In a form of yellow ochre it was a pigment made from clay. It was one of the first colors used in prehistoric cave art. It stimulates the mental process and activates memory. 75% of the pencils in the United States are painted yellow. Yellow dyes were made from arsenic and cow urine before the 18 th and 19 th centuries.
It was all yellow…
Sources ?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t= ?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t= ?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t= meaning/color-meaning-symbolism-psychology/all- about-the-color-yellow-4297#.VDP66tPjkz4 Eva Heller (2000); Psychologie de la couluer- effets et symboliques; p. 33. colour-yellow.html