Crime Scene Investigation: Evidence Division
Commanding Officer Captain May’s Directive: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a crime scene….and it’s one of the strangest we’ve seen in awhile. We need your input in figuring out just what happened here. Look over the evidence, and tell me what you can deduce. We really need your help on this. The men back at the lab are stumped.
VICTIM PROFILE Name: James SmithAge: 17Found: Juab High School, Nov. 28, 2012 at 11:25a.m. Victim was unconscious and face-down.Condition: Stabilized, comatose. Has woundsalong outer, lower arms from a blunt blade. Tracesof arsenic found in the victim’s blood stream.
EVIDENCE Information and facts that support a claim.
EVIDENCE Relevancy – How well the evidence goes to support the claim. Sufficiency – How much evidence there is. Reliability – How trustworthy the evidence’s source is.
TYPES OF EVIDENCE Direct Evidence Evidence is directly involved with the crime. Examples: weapons, traceable elements, DNA Circumstantial Evidence Evidence that is present at the scene of the crime, but was not part of the crime. Examples: Victim’s clothing and personal affects, environmental objects such as leaves and trash.
EVIDENCE A The following note was found inthe Victim’s pocket. It was writtenon a torn piece of notebook paperin a purple pen.J,She found out. -K
EVIDENCE B The last texts sent from the Victim’s cellphonewent to a disconnected number. Themessages are as follows:At 8:15 A.M.Hey..I really need to talk 2 you.At 10:39 A.M.R you ignorring me?At 11:15 A.M.I’m going to just end it. After everythingwith Kelsey, Its all is getting to be toomuch. So..don’t be surprised if younever hear from me again.
EVIDENCE C An empty water bottle. There aretrace chemical elements on thebottle’s lip. Two sets of printswere found on the bottle. Theybelonged to the victim and hisgirlfriend, Kelsey Hunter.
EVIDENCE D A large pair of blunt scissors werefound beside the victim. They hadno clear prints. It appears thesescissors were the cause of the cutsalong the victim’s outer arms.
EVIDENCE E Victim’s black and white schoolbag.Includes:Yellow notebook,Black file folder,Novel entitled “Who Will Tell MyBrother?”Large Literature book.Beside, a black jacket believed tobelong to the victim.
EVIDENCE F Assorted candy and emptywrappers.
EVIDENCE G The following found tucked invictim’s Literature book: It waswritten on a piece of plain paper inblack ink.James,I don’t know what’s going on withyou and my sister, but it’s reallystarting to make me upset. It seemslike you text her more than me! Iwant you to stop texting her. Stopseeing her!!I’M YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!!