Regional Modeling Workshop ► Regional teams of 5 to 10 users led by 2-3 experts. ► Develop collaborative projects within the teams that have to do with climate change over their region. local people know the local climatology and related problems of primary interest. do mini-assessments of what we currently know from the models and the observed record about "climate change" over the regions. some specific studies of interest for the different regions (e.g. deforestation within the context of climate change, aerosols, monsoons, extreme events etc.)
Goals of the Workshop ► To re-establish a network of users experts new users particularly from developing nations scientists. ► To develop regional networks of users through collaborative projects. ► A collective document (e.g. special issue of a journal) with a possible contribution to the IPCC 4 th Assessment Report.
New Model Release ► Extensive code, pre-processor, and post- processing streamlining/debugging including improvements to the user-friendliness ► New implementations… Tracer code (sulfates, etc.) Zeng ocean flux scheme. SUBEX large-scale precipitation scheme. Non-hydrostatic option based in MM5 (not yet done) Subgrid topography/land-use scheme (not yet in new version) Emanuel convection scheme Parallel version (in the works…) ► Possible future upgrades… Replacement of BATS with a different surface scheme (e.g. CLM). Additional convection scheme (e.g. Kain-Fritsch).
New Model Release ► Extensive code, pre-processor, and post- processing streamlining & debugging including improvements to the user- friendliness UCSC Pre- & Post-processing ECHAM4.5 BCs Diagnostic Packages ► NCL ► Source Code Documentation, output ► Linda’s diagnostic package ► Selection of variables to output Selection/modification of land-use/topography data
New Model Release ► New implementations… Tracer code (sulfates, etc.) Zeng ocean flux scheme. SUBEX large-scale precipitation scheme. Non-hydrostatic option based in MM5 (not yet done) Subgrid topography/land-use scheme (not yet in new version) Emanuel convection scheme
Possible additions to physics ► Stretch grid, variable resolution ► Kain & Fritsch, Betts-Miller convective scheme (ictp will add) ► Better documentation for physics schemes ► Switch to CLM (Allison) with subgrid simple scheme option ► Add cloud ice (Jeremy?), maybe Dudhia scheme
Long-term developments ► Upgrade numerics (maybe move towards WRF)
New Model Release ► Possible future upgrades… Replacement of BATS with a different surface scheme (e.g. CLM). Additional convection scheme (e.g. Kain-Fritsch).
Long-term future
Distribution of Participants (9)
North America South America Southeast Asia East Asia South Asia Europe Mediterranean North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Central Asia
Participants North America 9 South America 6 Europe 7 Mediterranean & N. Africa 12 Africa 10 South Asia 8 East Asia 3(9) Pacific Islands 9 Total: 64 (9) Developing Nation: 49 (9)
6 1 1 Cuba 6 U.S Total North America
2 1 Argentina 2 Brazil 2 Peru Total South America 2 1
1 1 1 Belgium 1 Bulgaria 1 Czech Rep. 1 Estonia 1 Poland 1 Romania 1 Ukraine Total Europe
1 3 1 Croatia 3 Egypt 1 Greece 3 Italy 1 Portugal 1 Spain 1 Turkey Total Mediterranean & North Africa
3 1 1 Ghana 1 Kenya 3 Nigeria 1 Senegal 3 S. Africa 1 Zimbabwe Total Africa
1 Bangladesh 4 India 1 Iran 1 Sri Lanka 1 Uzbekistan Total South Asia
9 China 1 RO Korea 1 Mongolia Total East Asia 1 9 1
5 2 1 Indonesia 2 Philippines 2 Vietnam Total Islands & Australia 1