Introducing the Joint Reporting Component UNEP/GEF FNR_Rio project – 3 rd Project Steering Committee, March 13 th, 2012, Tehran, Iran Peter Herkenrath.


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Presentation transcript:

Introducing the Joint Reporting Component UNEP/GEF FNR_Rio project – 3 rd Project Steering Committee, March 13 th, 2012, Tehran, Iran Peter Herkenrath & Melissa Jaques

Contents 1.Background 2.Aims of the joint reporting exercise 3.Structure of the joint reporting format 4.Questionnaire on the experience with the joint reporting exercise 5.Integration with UNCCD PRAIS 6.Deliverables and deadlines 2Introducing the Joint Reporting Component

Background – joint reporting 1998 – 2012: On the agenda for the biodiversity-related conventions 2007 – 2009: Australian/SPREP project in Pacific Island Countries tests joint reporting format 2010: FNR_Rio: GEF request to draft and test a joint reporting format 2011/12: FNR_Rio pilot countries have expressed support 3Introducing the Joint Reporting Component

Options for joint reporting Key aspects from FNR_Rio document: “Assessment of potential options for consolidating and integrating national reporting to the three Rio Conventions”: There are challenges to joint reporting (specific aspects, of each convention; different reporting cycles) Options for reducing reporting burden other than joint reporting Global: alignment of requests from different conventions, joint reports for specific themes, online reporting National: cooperation between focal points/ agencies, improved data management 4Introducing the Joint Reporting Component

Aims of joint reporting exercise within FNR_Rio Testing whether joint reporting for Rio Conventions is feasible Testing whether it reduces the reporting burden for LDCs and SIDS Learning from pilot country experience >> lessons for other countries Contributing to debate on International Environmental Governance at Rio+20 5Introducing the Joint Reporting Component

Process of drafting the joint reporting format Identification of sustainable land management as the core issue of relevance to all three Rio Conventions Identification of elements of relevance to sustainable land management from the existing reporting formats Adopting the structure of the Human Rights Treaty System reporting format: core report + treaty-specific reports/ annexes 6Introducing the Joint Reporting Component

Structure of the joint reporting format Core section A: sustainable land management Specific sections: CBD (section B), UNCCD (C) and UNFCCC (D) ONLY FILL IN JOINT REPORT (SECTION A) & EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (due to time and resources constraints) 7Introducing the Joint Reporting Component

Capturing pilot country experience with testing the joint reporting format Key component of the project Will inform: Rio+20, Joint Liaison Group of Rio Conventions, Rio Conventions Conferences of the Parties and subsidiary bodies Experience likely to determine whether the model is pursued further To be captured in the final versions of the National Manuals 8Introducing the Joint Reporting Component

Integration with UNCCD PRAIS UNCCD Secretariat have offered to receive joint FNR_Rio reports to all three conventions in their PRAIS reporting portal (Performance Review and Assessment of Implementation System) Modalities to be clarified, including timelines 9Introducing the Joint Reporting Component

Deliverables & deadlines Complete joint section of format (30 th April) Complete questionnaire on experience (30 th April) Put joint report into UNCCD PRAIS (dates to be confirmed) Insert experience into National Manuals (30 th September) Any questions: contact the International Consultant 10Introducing the Joint Reporting Component