Welcome – Patient Forum 23 April 2013 Agenda – Welcome/refreshments – Presentation and Q &A – Discussion groups – Feedback from groups Any other issues/close
Purpose of the forum We want to involve patients in the decisions we make about the services we commission. Hospital Community Mental health services This forum is just one of the ways we intend to do that.
Feedback on last forum Discussion group format was an improvement on the first forum Need to allow more room for discussion groups Less food
Feedback on services Lots of feedback! A printed summary sheet is available here and on our website. Key themes: The need to increase urgent care options More communications around available services Qualifications/training for people providing care at home Adequate training for GPs making mental health diagnoses Support for patients being better informed to to help manage their own conditions
Kingston CCG officially launches
We’ve officially launched! The Kingston Clinical Commissioning Group is made up of Kingston GP practices. We work together to put in place hospital, mental health and community services. We officially took over in 1 April 2013 after meeting 119 rigorous criteria.
Changes since 1 April 2013 Responsibility for primary care contracts has transferred to NHS Commissioning Board (NHS England). However, CCGs will still have a role in monitoring and improving quality in primary care. NHS England will also oversee CCGs.
Changes since 1 April 2013 Public health services have transferred to the local authority but we will continue to work closely together. A new Healthwatch took over in Kingston. We will be working with the group to engage with local people.
Children’s services CCG responsible for commissioning hospital, mental health and some community services for children Health visiting has transferred to NHS England School health promotion handled by the local authority Achievement: reduced waiting times for children’s speech and language therapy
What this means for you Minimal disruption – no immediate change to services although we will be working on service improvement There are changes to who you contact for advice or complaints.
Advice and complaints For community, mental health and hospital services contact CCG customer care team Leigh Broggi; t: , w:kingstonccg.nhs.uk
Primary care advice and complaints For primary care services contact the practice directly or NHS England t: ; PO Box 16728, Redditch B97 9PT
A few of our priorities Improving mental health services (e.g. new wellbeing service launched this month) Improving access to urgent care (e.g. NHS 111) More support at home Providing care close to home (e.g. new Surbiton Health Centre) Improving medecines management
Maintaining standards Service quality is a priority We oversee contracts for each service, monitored by Clinical Quality Groups, and we gather performance data against specific criteria We take action with providers when necessary
What are our plans for 2013? We’ve prepared a short video to give more background on the CCG and our priorities
We need your views Any questions before we break into discussion groups? Topics: Kingston at Home – in more detail Our plans for cardiology services How should we engage with you?