Changing Almost Everything What you need to know about running free 2 play games David Nixon, CEO, Gemini Hive, Inc.
2 Throw away what you know......about project management...about production timelines...about QA practices...about game design process...about partnership structures...about player preferences and play patterns...about critical-path efforts...about key success factors...about problem solving practices...about team communication...Or you will most likely fail... 2
Why? Because your business has changed from the goals up!
44 “Product”
5 “Service” 5
Practical Implications “Start at the beginning”
7 Development Process months (more?)
8 Development Process months (more?)
9 Project Management “Cycle” is 1 week Nobody important cares about your launch date Managing iterations, feedback, priority changes The end is the beginning You are NEVER done 9
10 Product performance 10
11 Product performance 11
12 Product performance Success criteria changes. Accept it, discuss it. Maintain a “Commitment to Act” Understanding “why” is crucial You are NEVER done* *Don’t give up! 12
13 Game Design 13
14 Game Design 14
15 Game Design Begin at the beginning Theories, Mini-specs, A/B tests Design measurable results Start & end with customer feedback Don’t get too attached You are NEVER done 15
16 Marketing? 16
17 Marketing? 17
18 We are all Marketing now! “Direct Marketing” / “Direct Response” business Everybody’s job is to get & keep customers Your game is a marketing tool “Product Management” is single point of failure Oh yeah...and... YOU ARE NEVER DONE!!! 18
Some Encouraging Words? (what the heck did we get ourselves into!?)
Good Luck! David Nixon CEO & Founder Gemini Hive, Inc.