What is a pedigree chart? Pedigree charts are graphics of families that show how a trait is passed through a family. They can be used to study passing of a particular trait through a family.
Symbols used in pedigree charts Normal male Affected male Normal female Affected female Marriage Carrier Carrier- a person has one allele for a particular trait but does not have the trait expressed in the phenotype. A marriage with five children, two daughters and three sons. The middle son is affected by the condition. Eldest child Youngest child
Organizing the pedigree chart Generations are identified by Roman numerals I II III IV
Organizing the pedigree chart Individuals in each generation are identified by Arabic numerals numbered from the left Therefore the affected individuals are II3, IV2 and IV3 I II III IV
Karyotypes A chart composed of an individual’s paired chromosomes. Used to identify if an individual has an unusual number of chromsomes.
Changes in Chromosome # Monosomy- Having only 1 chromosome in a pair instead of two. Turner Syndrome Only 1 X-chromosome Missing an X-chromsome on pair #23 Trisomy- Having an extra chromosome (3 instead of 2. Down Syndrome Extra chromosome on pair #21 Klinefelter’s Syndrome Have an extra X-chromosome Genotype=XXY Polyploidy- Having more than one extra chromosome in a pair.
Normal Male 9 2n = 46
Normal Female 10 2n = 46
Male, Trisomy 21 (Down’s) 11 2n = 47
Turner Syndrome 12 2n = 47