What disorder is it? Mutation in the blood clotting protein makes person unable to stop bleeding after an injury _______________ Mutation in hemoglobin causes red blood cells to change shape and ____________________ clog up blood vessels Mutation causes mental retardation if foods containing phenylalanine are eaten _____________________ Three #21 chromosomes are present causing mental retardation _______________________ Mutation in ion channel protein causes thick mucous to clog up lungs and digestive organs _______________________ Hemophilia Sickle cell anemia Phenylketonuria (PKU) Down syndrome Cystic fibrosis
Dominant/recessive? Autosomal/X-linked/nondisjunction Phenylketonuria ____________________ Down syndrome ____________________ Sickle cell anemia _____________________ Klinefelter syndrome ____________________ Huntington’s _______________________ Autosomal recessive nondisjunction Autosomal recessive nondisjunction Autosomal dominant
What disorder is it? Gradual deterioration of the brain that appears during middle age ____________________ Progressive weakening of muscle proteins resulting in inability to walk and eventually death_________________________ Inability to distinguish between the colors red and green _____________________ Only one X and no y chromosome ____________________ An X linked disorder (There is more than one right answer here) __________________ Huntington’s Muscular dystrophy Colorblindness Turner syndrome Muscular dystrophy Colorblindness Hemophilia
Dominant/recessive? Autosomal/X-linked/nondisjunction Turner syndrome ____________________ Cystic fibrosis ____________________ Hemophilia _____________________ Colorblindness __________________ Nondisjunction Autosomal recessive X-linked recessive
Name 3 disorders that are: Autosomal recessiveX linked recessive ______________________________ _______________________________ Phenylketonuria (PKU) Sickle cell anemia Cystic fibrosis Hemophilia Colorblindness Muscular dystrophy Name 3 disorders that is caused by nondisjunction: ___________________ Down’s syndrome Turner’s syndrome Kleinfelter’s syndrome
What disorder is it? Inability to break down phenylalanine ____________________ eating food containing this amino acid causes mental retardation Males with an extra X chromosome ______________________ (XXY) karyotype; some female features; infertility Pattern of hair loss in which _____________________ Homozygous persons(male& female) & heterozygous males lose their hair in a predictable pattern A autosomal Dominant disorder (There is more than one right answer here) __________________ Phenylketonuria (PKU) Klinefelter syndrome Male pattern baldness Huntington’s Male pattern Baldness