Notes today: Joe Ventry Thursday The Iliad pgs
ROLL CALL Talk to the Person behind you or in front of you. Name? Where are they from? One interesting thing about them?
PRESENTATIONS ON CLASSICAL GREECE Eric, Dakota, Ulysses, David, Devaun, Ana
CHARACTERISTICS Heroes—universal & national importance Grand stage; Set in past Involvement of supernatural forces “In Medias Res”—in the middle of things Voyage & Battle Invocation of Muses & statement of theme
ORAL NATURE: REPETITION & EPITHETS In pairs on notecards: About 13 syllabus; end with rhyme for “stream” Volunteer?
ORAL NATURE: REPETITION & EPITHETS The Greeks went to Troy,/ Also called Ilion, Achilles of the swift feet/ was ticked at Agamemnon Cause the son of Atreus, / Wide-ruling Agamemnon, Took from the son of Peleus/ the fair-cheeked Briseis Achilles, beloved of Zeus,/ he got really mad Told the strong-greaved Achaians/ he would fight no more
OVERALL THEMES & QUESTIONS PG. 140 What causes this kind of anger? What affects does it have on the one who is angry and those around him or her? What, if anything, will stop it?
TODAY’S THEMES/QUESTIONS. 2 MINUTE FREEWRITE. What kind of conflicts are there here? What causes them? What is valued by these people? Anything repeated or contrasted? What does it say about women? About men? About power and pride?
DISCUSSION IN GROUPS OF 4. Look at other groups’ notes—what do you see that is similar or different to your group’s work. Repetitions, contrasts, confusions? Practice moves from Participation handout
PASSAGES—RECORD ON BOARD; GROUPS OF Pgs Argument between Achilles & Agamemnon. Lines , Pgs Zeus, Thetis, Hera. Lines
WHAT WE’RE SKIPPING: BOOKS 2-17 Greeks losing badly to Trojans led by Hector Agamemnon sends Odysseus, Aias, Phoenix to Achilles Ships on fire; Patroclus fights in Achilles’ armor Fight over Patroclus’s body/Achilles’ armor