Français du Jour 16&17 Septembre Standards: 2. Interpret spoken and written authentic target language materials and information on familiar topics. 7. Compare information common to other school subjects and to the target language. 8. Compare vocabulary usage, grammatical structures, and idiomatic expressions of a target language with English. Objectives: Students will practice and use vocabulary for various classroom commands in French. Students will conjugate and use the verb “être” in the present tense. What has been the most difficult concept for you to remember in the French language?
Français du Jour 18&19 Septembre Standards: 2. Interpret spoken and written authentic target language materials and information on familiar topics. 7. Compare information common to other school subjects and to the target language. 8. Compare vocabulary usage, grammatical structures, and idiomatic expressions of a target language with English. Objectives: Students will practice and use vocabulary for various classroom commands in French. Students will conjugate and use the verb “être” in the present tense. What have you enjoyed the most so far in learning the French language?
Français du Jour 22 Septembre Standards: 2. Interpret spoken and written authentic target language materials and information on familiar topics. 7. Compare information common to other school subjects and to the target language. 8. Compare vocabulary usage, grammatical structures, and idiomatic expressions of a target language with English. Objectives: Students will practice and use vocabulary for various adjectives in French. Students will conjugate and use the verb “être” in the past tense. How would you respond to the question “Quel jour est-il?
Français du Jour 23&24 Septembre Standards: 2. Interpret spoken and written authentic target language materials and information on familiar topics. 7. Compare information common to other school subjects and to the target language. 8. Compare vocabulary usage, grammatical structures, and idiomatic expressions of a target language with English. Objectives: Students will practice and use vocabulary for various adjectives in French. Students will conjugate and use the verb “être” in the past tense. How would you respond to the question “Quelle est la date?
Français du Jour 25&26 Septembre Standards: 2. Interpret spoken and written authentic target language materials and information on familiar topics. 7. Compare information common to other school subjects and to the target language. 8. Compare vocabulary usage, grammatical structures, and idiomatic expressions of a target language with English. Objectives: Students will practice and use vocabulary for various adjectives in French. Students will conjugate and use the verb “être” in the past tense. Translate the following sentence ‘Marc est grand et mince.’
Français du Jour 29 Septembre Standards: 1. Use the target language in oral and written form in the past time frame, including giving and responding to a series of commands, asking and answering questions, providing directions and instructions, and stating preferences and opinions to interact in a variety of situations. 2. Interpret spoken and written authentic target language materials and information on familiar topics. Objectives: Students will practice and use vocabulary for various adjectives in French. Students will conjugate and use the verb “être” in the past tense. Complete and translate the following sentence ‘Jean-Luc ____ au cinéma.’ (passé composé)
Français du Jour 30 Septembre & 1 Octobre Standards: 1. Use the target language in oral and written form in the past time frame, including giving and responding to a series of commands, asking and answering questions, providing directions and instructions, and stating preferences and opinions to interact in a variety of situations. 2. Interpret spoken and written authentic target language materials and information on familiar topics. Objectives: Students will practice and use vocabulary for various adjectives in French. Students will conjugate and use the verb “être” in the past tense. Translate the following sentence ‘Daniel is a very nice boy.’
Français du Jour 2&3 Octobre Standards: 1. Use the target language in oral and written form in the past time frame, including giving and responding to a series of commands, asking and answering questions, providing directions and instructions, and stating preferences and opinions to interact in a variety of situations. 2. Interpret spoken and written authentic target language materials and information on familiar topics. Objectives: Students will practice and use vocabulary for various adjectives in French. Students will conjugate and use the verb “être” in the past tense. Translate the following sentence ‘Jeanne is not happy.’
Français du Jour 6 Octobre Standards: 5. Use appropriate target language vocabulary and nonverbal behavior in a variety of social situations and familiar settings. 6. Identify tangible and intangible products of a target culture, including symbols and expressive art forms. Objectives: Students will review and sequence the verb “être” in the past tense. Which verb tense do you use for recurring events in the past?
Français du Jour 9 Octobre Standards: 5. Use appropriate target language vocabulary and nonverbal behavior in a variety of social situations and familiar settings. 6. Identify tangible and intangible products of a target culture, including symbols and expressive art forms. Objectives: Students will review and sequence the verb “être” in the past tense. What would you most like to learn in French class during the next 9 weeks?