Chicken Translate Members: Hakan Anit,… Online Translation System
Chicken Translate Suppose you are learning some language You learn the basic structure Construct basic sentences But you are not sure if its correct or not Or its highly possible that you cannot express what you would like to say correctly (choosing correct words) Or maybe you have no idea how to say it
Chicken Translate Idea comes from our speech with Thomas in Turkish Our common language is English Due he was not able to construct some sentences correctly, he asked me the possible translation of it in Turkish Then we wrote a possible translation of sentence in Turkish
Chicken Translation However, there can be many other possible expressions of the same sentence Even punctuation, commas can change the meaning of a sentence Machines are not able to translate a sentence correctly We need human power, that takes those kind of little changes into account
Chicken Translate Possible examples; ◦ Peter didn’t arrive in time to see her? Or Peter wasn’t early enough to see her? ◦ Has the same meaning in English ◦ Possible Turkish translations can be Peter kiz arkadasini gormeye yetisemedi Peter eve zamaninda gelemedigi icin kiz arkadasini goremedi Peter vaktinde gelseydi kiz arkadasini gorebilirdi Peter gec kaldigi icin kiz arkadasini goremedi
Chicken Translate Different sentences can mean the same Expressions can change from person to person However, there might be only few sentences that sounds correct by the crowd With this project people would be able to vote for possible translations of the same sentence/question
Chicken Translate While registering user choose his/her native language User also chooses languages that he/she can help with translation There can be users who just asks questions or who just replies to topics Users who are allowed to access that category (whose native language is the one we need translation) can vote for listed possible translations
Chicken Translate The translation which gets the highest score can be assumed as the correct translation User who gets the highest vote due his correct translation can be awarded by points In order to get quick replies for a question, we can notify online users who`s native language matches Real-life example, everyone can benefit from this system Needs crowd to find the correct translation
Chicken Translate
Related projects ◦ Google translate (No crowd) and similar many other projects ◦ Only Google like translation is free, for correct translations $0.07 for word
Chicken Translate Crowd based, not free, not like discussion board. Crowd works on large project translating it No one will pay for daily sentence translations, or harder daily life scenarios Proposed project: People can freely ask daily life translation examples, basic, harder sentences to crowd