Life Cycles An introduction and interactive assessment about the life cycles of butterflies, frogs and plants. By Morgan Charbonnier
Standards Florida Standards: Science SC.2.L.16.1: Observe and describe major stages in the life cycles of plants and animals, including beans and butterflies. SC.2.N.1.1: Raise questions about the natural world, investigate them in teams through free exploration and systematic observations, and generate appropriate explanations based on those explorations. Visual Arts VA.2.F.3.2: Work with peers to complete a task in art. English Language Arts LAFS.2.L.1.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. LAFS.2.W.3.8: Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. ISTE Standards: 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Communication and Collaboration 3. Research and Information Fluency 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making 5. Digital Citizenship 6. Technology Operations and Concepts
Life Cycles A life cycle is a series of changes in form that an organism undergoes which it returns to the starting state.
The Life Cycle of a Butterfly Stage one: Egg A girl butterfly lays eggs on a leaf really close together. The eggs are really small and round. About five days after the eggs are laid, a tiny worm-like creature will hatch from the egg. Stage two: Caterpillar A caterpillar is a long creature with a striped or patched pattern. It eats leaves and flowers, first it eats the leaf that it was born on. This is the eating and growing stage, caterpillars grow fast becoming too big for its own skin. Therefore they will shed their skin four or more times while growing. Stage three: Chrysalis Once the caterpillar is done growing it makes a chrysalis which is mostly green or brown. It is the same color as the things around it such as trees, leaves or branches so that other animals cannot see it. This will protect it. This is also the changing stage where the caterpillar turns into a butterfly inside the chrysalis. Stage four: Butterfly The chrysalis opens and the butterfly comes out as an adult. When it comes out its wings are damp and folded to its body so it rests to let its wings dry. After resting, they work to flap their wings and go look for a mate, soon it will find a mate and lay eggs. The life cycle will start all over again.
The Life Cycle of a Frog Stage one: Egg A female frog lays many eggs at one time. The eggs are covered with a jelly- like coating. Stage two: Tadpole After a 21 day developmental period, the embryo leaves its jelly shell and attaches to a weed in the water. This quickly becomes a tadpole which has a long tail and lives in the water. After about 5 weeks, the tadpole begins to change and grow hind legs and are soon followed by forelegs. Lungs begin to develop preparing the frog for life on land. Stage three: Froglet Over time, the tadpole becomes more froglike. The tadpole is growing more froglike features and the lungs are almost functioning at this point. Stage four: Adult Frog Eleven weeks after the egg was laid, a fully developed frog with lungs, legs and no tail emerges from the water. The frog will live mostly on land and occasionally swim. Eventually it will find a mate, the female will lay eggs, the male will fertilize them and the process will begin again.
Life Cycle of Plants Stage two: Seedling with root The roots grow longer and the stem pushes itself towards the light. Stage three: Seedling with leaf The leaves form and soak in sunlight and carbon dioxide and produce food for itself through photosynthesis. They need sunshine and water to be able to grow and mature. Stage four: Adult plant This is once a plant has reached its full size. Then it will reproduce new seeds. The seeds are then ready to go away from the mother and make other plants elsewhere. There are many ways they do so. For instance, the wind will scatter the new seeds which will begin the cycle over again. Stage one: Seed The plant starts out as a seed in the ground. The seed sprouts and roots come out when it is watered and the seed coat gets moist.
Review -Life cycle is a series of changes in form that an organism undergoes which it returns to the starting state. -Butterfly life cycle has four stages. The stages are the eggs, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly. -Frog life cycle has four stages too. The stages are the eggs, tadpole, froglet and frog. -Plant life cycle has four stages. The stages are seeds, seedling with root, seedling with leaf, and the adult plant.
Quiz Time! -Everyone get into your groups and you will be using one clicker per group. -I will read the question out loud, then you will have one minute to discuss the answer with your group. Once you have decided on an answer, click the letter on the clicker that matches with the letter on the screen. -Make sure to discuss quietly amongst yourselves so that other groups cannot hear you. The group with the most points at the end will receive 5 extra credit points on the next quiz.
What is the second stage of a butterflies life cycle? A. Chrysalis B. Caterpillar C. Tadpole D. Seedling
Which of the following go through photosynthesis during their life cycle? A. Plants B. Frogs C. Butterflies D. None of the above
Which of the following have four stages in their life cycles? A. Butterflies B. Frogs C. Plants D. All of the above
Which organism undergoes changes and returns to its starting state? A. Butterflies B. Plants C. All of the above D. None of the above
Which two life cycles start with an egg stage? A. Plants and frogs B. Frogs and butterflies C. Butterflies and plants D. Only one cycle starts with an egg stage
Sorry! try again.
How did you do? -If you answered 0-2 correctly, make sure to review the material again. Try to make flash cards to familiarize yourself with the information. -If you answered 3-4 correctly, you did well! Make sure to review the material, especially the information you answered incorrectly. -If you answered all 5 correctly, then that is excellent! Review the material just to familiarize yourself with it for the final project.