Home Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Tasks Welcome to the AMK Airport students! Today you will be traveling to a few destinations around the world. You and your friends will be exploring different climates and cultures and learning new things as you go. Each airplane will go to a different destination so choose carefully so your suitcase will contain everything you need for your trip!
Airline #1Airline #2 If you and your friends choose to travel with Airline #1, you will need to do the following: -Find and compare the climates of each country -Create a list of clothing items necessary to pack when traveling to each country. -Write about and describe a visit to an exciting place found in each country. If you and your friends choose to travel with Airline #2, you will need to do the following: -Draw a picture of a monument found in each country. -Write a journal entry describing a day of your visit to the monument in each country. -Translate 3 words or find 3 commonly used words in each country. Home Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Tasks Visit CanadaCanada And Brazil!!Brazil Visit Russia and Australia!!Russia Australia ~What is it like to fly?~
Airline #2Airline #1 Home Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Tasks 1.You will work with the three other students at your table. 2.As a group you will be sharing a computer, make sure to take turns. 3.Find the type of climate for both countries on this world map. Write one sentence comparing the to climates. Look at how seasons occur.world mapseasons 4.Based on the type of climate, create a list of 7 items you will need for your trip to each country. 5.Write a journal entry about a visit to someplace interesting in each country, at least 3 sentences for each. 1.You will work with the three other students at your table. 2.As a group you will be sharing a computer, make sure to take turns. 3.Find a monument that you find interesting a draw a picture.monument 4.Write a journal entry about your visit to each monument you chose to draw a picture of, at least 3 sentences for each. 5.Find three words to translate into English or 3 slang words used in each country. Listen to an Australian accent!Australian Aurora Borealis, Canada Iguacu Falls, Brazil “The Bronze Horseman”, Russia Sydney Opera House, Australia
Airline #2 Airline #1 Home Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher page Tasks Participation: -Did you follow all directions? (4pts) -Did you work cooperatively with others? (3pts) -Did you complete all tasks in the amount of time given? (3pts) Climate: -Did you find the climate of each country? (3pts) -Did you write at least one sentence comparing the climates to one another? (2pts) Packing List: -Does each list have at least 7 items? (4 pts) -Are the items listed appropriate for that country? (3pts) -Did you consider climate and activities in the country when making a packing list? (3pts) Journal Entry: -Did you write about a place specific to the country you visited? (3pts) -Did you begin each sentence with a capital letter and end it with correct punctuation? (4pts) -Did you write at least 3 descriptive sentences about the place you visited? (3pts) Total Possible: 35 Participation: -Did you follow all directions? (4pts) -Did you work cooperatively with others? (3pts) -Did you complete all tasks in the amount of time given? (3pts) Monument: -Did you find a monument in each country? (5pts) -Did you draw a detailed picture of each monument? (5pts) Tranlation: -Did you find 3 words to translate from each country? (3 pts) -Did you translate each word correctly? (2pts) Journal Entry: -Did you write about a visit to a monument in each country? (3pts) -Did you begin each sentence with a capital letter and end it with correct punctuation? (4pts) -Did you write at least 3 descriptive sentences about the monuments you visited? (3pts) Total Possible: 35
Home Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Tasks Welcome home students! Hope you had a wonderful trip and learned all sorts of new things. You should now be able to identify at least two new countries on a world map and find out what language they speak or what the climate is like there. Monuments can be found in any country and you got the chance to see just a few and begin to understand their importance to that country.
Home Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Tasks Ms. Keswani’s Social Studies Grade 3: Cultures and Societies, and Geography Objectives: Students will recognize a monument and can describe one from another country. Students will learn about climate and make a packing list based off of the climate of a country. Students will be able to find at least two different countries on a world map. Students will know 3 words used commonly in two other countries. Accomodations/Modifications: For students who need extra assistance, the teacher will be available to assist in web searches and writing activities. A modified version of the lesson with only one country to follow the tasks for will be available for students who may need to work at a slower pace. For students who finish quickly and enjoy the WebQuest lesson, they will be encouraged to find a country that relates to their family and find a monument or special area there to visit and write about it.