Unit Layout Over-Arching Theme: Representations of Power Key Concepts: Themes, Symbols, Motifs, Characters, Settings, and Allusions Assignments throughout the unit: Character Facebook Template, Settings Map, Class notes. Final Assessment: Analytical Essay
Essay You will be expected to complete an analytical essay of 600 words +/- 10% focusing on the theme of power and how it is used and represented within the text. Using information you have gathered on setting, plot, characters, symbols, allusions and motifs; you will choose two concepts to focus on that actively represent power throughout the text. One of these concepts must be a character.
Essay cont. Themes that correlate with Power such as survival, love, war, and fear. Setting: time, space, and place Symbols: the restaurant, the hut etc Events or Conflicts
Essay cont. Using your two choices students should analyze how they correlate with each other and how they represent power as a whole. Students will be expected to use Australian Standard English and include words from the word cue sheet and spelling sheet provided. Quotes from the novel should be integrated into the essay to support ideas.
Some things to look forward to. Watching videos! Roleplaying Class Discussion Concept Mapping Writing to inform